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    how long is a good time to veg not talking bout light times but like weeks? Anybody?
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    cloning what to do what not to do?

    what are some good hints for cloning por favor!!lol :wall:
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    whats going on here i need help!

    i have it under a t5 4ft 6bulb and its about 3 to 4 inches away.
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    whats going on here i need help!

    i need help with this its only on the top of the plant and only affecting the new growth. whats the deal?
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    problems cloning = (

    im having problems cloning.i follow all the advise and they look good for a week then drop and die. i use rockwool and dip n grow should i put a hoop on it? anything would be good! help!!!
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    help me i have a plant driving me crazy

    whats your watering schedule and how much drainage are you getting?
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    sad/crazy/deformed 3 week old plant...

    yeah 600w hps you need atleast 18-24in away from plant so you dont burn it but i would keep the same watering pattern and in no time youll get new leaves and theyll return to normal and the other leaves will die off eventually. what kind of nutes you using?
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    sad/crazy/deformed 3 week old plant...

    wait it out i hadone like that continue doing thesame things mine pulled through and is amazing!!! how often you watering?
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    Questions About Topping Plants

    its my first grow i have an assorment of 6 plants all doing amazing! but do i need to top my plants if so when should i? why? and where? Thanks Guys!
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    1st grow project, LOTS of questions.

    i have a question about topping my plant where, when, and why should i do this??
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    First Time Grower

    i have a 400w hps and three plants what is a good spacing between the plants and light?