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  1. S

    Quick question about watering

    I was wondering, if blue food coloring (a small amount) used with water, would it turn the plant blue, or would it turn out to be detrimental to the plant? Thank you!
  2. S

    A few questions, first grow

  3. S

    Lowlife White Russian Autos first grow... lets see what we got!

    how much are u expecting to yield?
  4. S

    First Attempt Grow With CFL's

    how much are you looking to yield? an oz/a plant?
  5. S

    Some questions about growing

    I'm preparing for my first grow in a few weeks. Just a few quick questions I need answered first. I figured for my first grow, I'd grow some type of autoflowering strain, maybe some White Russian Dwarfs. Does anyone have any suggestions on what strain/company to go with? I've seen alot. Yield...
  6. S

    A few questions, first grow answers..?
  7. S

    A few questions, first grow

    I'm preparing for my first grow in a few weeks. Just a few quick questions I need answered first. I figured for my first grow, I'd grow some type of autoflowering strain, maybe some White Russian Dwarfs. Does anyone have any suggestions on what strain/company to go with? I've seen alot. Yield...