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  1. M

    Late outdoor grow 2010 sacramento w/ pics and video

    i enjoy seein a prick in the dirt ya kno homie, ur grow aint shit nigga tlkin on fdd like u doin sumthin, u aint nothin but a buster
  2. M

    Help a dude out

    i have lots of fun actuly just cut my girl down this mornin fuckin lookin amazin i speak on how the cfls are efficent, ive read this thread front to back b4 you posted on it. i just dident give a fuck anough until you sayin everyones wrong when they say have the cfls within 2 inches,your...
  3. M


    is there a vent in that bucket or does ur fan just blow warm air around in there?
  4. M

    Help a dude out

    your the newest member. info A. (being new does not mean lack of info), info B. everyone says 2 in. is bout best for your plant and finally info C. you keep you cfls way to far from your plant!!! obivously info A. & B. are correct, i have around 8 cfls around 2-3 inches all around my plant and...
  5. M

    foxfarm growbig for veg, tiger bloom for flower? input please

    im using tiger bloom and big bloom during flowering and loving my results
  6. M

    Help a dude out

    ehh.... it just looks like a fail and you cant blame the cow, only the dairy farmer...............
  7. M

    Club 600

    im sorry for my late chiming in but im a bay area resident smokin purple urkle and purple candy and both have a purple taste almost sumwut fruity pebblish
  8. M

    Club 600

    where are you from? ive never heard anyone beleave purple doesnt taste diffferent just looks different? im not sure if thats what ya ment or if i misunderstood you but te purple down in cali taste like purple!
  9. M

    My First Aero Garden - My Journal

    its just a small meter that u can get at most hydro shops, its got a small meter that u can place over the canopy and it will let u kno how many lumens are actuly reaching whear.
  10. M

    My First Aero Garden - My Journal

    have u ever put a light meter under those leds
  11. M

    Led first time grow

    ever put a light meter under those?
  12. M

    have you seen anything like this before in your life?

    uhh ya.... its all over cali...... EVERYWHERE just not in my closet :(
  13. M

    when do i stop 12\12

    haha my bad
  14. M

    when do i stop 12\12

    i like the pit is he yurz looks pretty solid
  15. M

    when do i stop 12\12

    were you told so by a 6th grader haha? the 12/12 photoperiod/flowering is one of the biggest no brainers ever!!! so when my bowl is ash how do i light it? hahahaha
  16. M

    8 weeks on 12/12. questions(1st grow)

    thats very little light for those plants
  17. M

    My First Aero Garden - My Journal

    woohoo lol
  18. M

    Third 600w Medical Grow (Pineapple Express & LA Woman)

    there lookin amazin
  19. M

    18 bulbs of 27watt CFL Grow

    if he uses the lights set up like up and down the plant, i think it would work. just surround the plant as much as possible i think.
  20. M

    My First Aero Garden - My Journal

    haha nice exactly whear i was lookin ;) ive been seein them other places for like 5 or 6 bills wtf ebay is always the deal