Using a pot I've never tried before. Has a water reservoir in the bottom and distributes water via a capillary system. It's called and Eezy grow self watering planter. Anyone ever tried these before? A few buddies say helps roots breath big time.
I didn't transplant it wrong, my uncles an experienced caregiver and showed me how to transplant properly. Humidity is something I'm struggling keeping up too. My trailer I'd drier then a nuns cooze in here.
Perlite was already in soil. Everything I listed was out of the bag. Transplanted a week ago. I have a ppm meter and adjust my ph to 6.6/6.7 before giving any to my angel. Sorry should've made that more clear. She was in a tiny clear dixy cup before.
im just really up tight and out of medication...
How would I test the water? The soil I'm using is Promix Ultimate Organic Mix composed primarily of Canadian sphagnum peat moss, sea based compost, limestone, perlite and bonus additive Mycorise
The funny thing is I have her no nutes. Now I just thought of this, the only thing I use on my water now is pH down because my well water comes out at about 7.4. Could the well water have too much solids in it or should I run it through a secondary filter? Could that possibly be causing a buildup?
Brand new to growing, got my baby OG-XIII clone from a friend. Got it and was told it was ready to transplant. Did so, pretty sure she took well. But now just the very end tips of several leaves have begun turning brown. Pictures attached, any advice is greatly appreciated:)
Brand new to growing, got my baby OG-XIII clone from a friend. Got it and was told it was ready to transplant. Did so, pretty sure she took well. But now just the very end tips of several leaves have begun turning brown. Pictures attached, any advice is greatly appreciated:)