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  1. N

    Closet grow, Will this work?

    In a lot of the recirc dwc examples I have seen, the res is the same size as all the other buckets? what problems might I have?
  2. N

    Closet grow, Will this work?

    In a lot of the recirc dwc examples I have seen, the res is the same size as all the other buckets?
  3. N

    Closet grow, Will this work?

    What are the possible problems I may encounter from having too small of a res? I'm guessing too small a margin of error when adding nutes is one of them?
  4. N

    Closet grow, Will this work?

    Please forgive me if this sounds dumb but won't a 15 to 18 gallon filled up res cause the other small three Gallon buckets to flood over?
  5. N

    Closet grow, Will this work?

    Could you be more specific , what problems will I have with a 3 gallon res?
  6. N

    Closet grow, Will this work?

    Hello everybody and thank you in advance for any help that you may provide. I'm starting out in a closet that's 19 inches wide by 66 inches long and 8 feet tall. I've set up a pretty nifty dwc system with a pump return using a reservoir and 4- 3 gallon rectangular storage bins connected and...
  7. N

    Airlift method

    Thanks man, it looked like a cool concept
  8. N

    Airlift method

    Can you get good enough nutrient circulation and distribution using 4 buckets and an airlift or is the circulation too slow for adequate nutrient distribution?