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  1. G

    Will AI work outdoors?

    I've decided I dont want to waste time or money on males for the rest of my 7 aurora indica seeds and buy some female ppp seeds. My question is could I grow the rest of my 7 AI seeds indoors for a few weeks and then transplant them outdoors in the woods by a creek just before school gets out and...
  2. G

    Aurora Indica 3 weeks into flower

    Hi all my ai is 3 weeks into flower and the bottom leaves have turned yellow, curled, and fallen to the ground. I'm guessing over watering or N deficiency. They were beginning to turn yellow a week ago so i stopped watering for 5 days because the soil never seemed to dry out and they seemed to...
  3. G

    Aurora indica flower stage light help

    Hi. I have two aurora indica plants 5 days into flowering under two 2ft t8 cfls and a 2ft t8 on the side in a small shelf thats roughly 3ft tall by 2 feet wide and 1 foot deep and has mylar on every wall. it works right now but i can change it to a bigger area when i need to, but I was wondering...
  4. G

    1st grow. aurora indica

    anyone? help would be great
  5. G

    1st grow. aurora indica

    so i decided to tie down my plant and i was wondering if I did it right. does this look good?
  6. G

    1st grow. aurora indica

    oh and one more question. in my 2nd picture do the two bottom branches with the smaller leaves count as a node?
  7. G

    1st grow. aurora indica

    oh sweet thats awesome. Thanks guys!
  8. G

    1st grow. aurora indica

    Hi all this is my first grow. I ordered the seeds from nirvana. My plant has been going for 24 days now and I've been doing a lot of research, but cant seem to figure out my problem. my plant seems to be getting little leaves at the nodes and what look like pistils but those wont show until the...