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  1. L

    3 weeks into flowering. How is she lookin?

    I just looked online and they look kinda pricey : / I got mine cause it was in a room of my gf's parents house not being used haha. I'd say grab some y-splitters for your bulb. Go from 3x23w to 6 for about 10 bucks.
  2. L

    3 weeks into flowering. How is she lookin?

    Oh and all my bulbs are 23w : )
  3. L

    3 weeks into flowering. How is she lookin?

    Thanks guys!! Ya I'm pretty proud of the grow so far : ) but Im using fox farm ocean forest for soil and for the first 3 weeks from seed I used one 23w 2700k bulb lol. After that I added a spider lamp that had 5 sockets so now 5. Switched some of te 6500k to 2700k once pistols showed (half and...
  4. L

    3 weeks into flowering. How is she lookin?

    Alright, so as it says, I'm 3 weeks into flowering and I was just curious to the progress thus far. Using CFL's and I'm in a 1 gal pot. I think the roots may be a little crowded but I don't think transplanting at this point would be good. Anyways, here are a few pics. Wondering if the bud sites...
  5. L

    Questions about nutrients! 11 days into flower.

    It's actually my first grow so I just did 12/12 from seed. Wanted to feel it out for the first grow and keep it simple. It popped through the soil on 2/5 and transplanted it into new ffof on 3/2. So maybe it'll have till the first week of April until I need some bloom nutes? How much more yield...
  6. L

    Questions about nutrients! 11 days into flower.

    Alright, so I'm 11 days into flowering and I was wondering if its too late to start using nutrients. I've been using fox farms ocean forest soil all the way through (1 transplant into current 1 gal pot) and the plant seems very healthy. If it not too late...what would be suggested as far as...
  7. L

    First pre-flowers showing! When to switch to 2700k CFL's??

    I would want too but I just don't wanna stress out the plant. I know it's called low stress lol, but I'll link a pic of the setup. It's from a couple weeks back but still the same lights setup. Basically have one shinning on top and the other 4 all around the sides.
  8. L

    First pre-flowers showing! When to switch to 2700k CFL's??

    Thanks! And I should have said this in the original post but I've been doing 12/12 from seed. Basically I've read up on it and it can make your grow faster, yes less yield, but its my first grow so I wanted to kinda get a feel for it all without too much time : ) so I guess you could say its...
  9. L

    First pre-flowers showing! When to switch to 2700k CFL's??

    So this is my first attempt at growing and these forums have been very helpful!! Thanks guys!! first preflowers are poppin up in various locations on the plant and I was just curious to when I should switch my lights over to 2700k from 5000k?? And I haven't done any LST or...
  10. L

    Pre-flower?? What's it lookin' like??

    It was just a bag seed from some really dank stuff...i believe it was skywalker crossed with something else. Can't remember exactly lol but it was from the dispensary.
  11. L

    Pre-flower?? What's it lookin' like??

    Well just an update. The plant is a lady!! She is showing her lady parts loud and proud haha. Woohoo!! Here's a pic. There are pistols growing on about 4 nodes now!
  12. L

    First grow, CFL experimental, and its a lady!!

    Well, as the title says...first time grower and I got a lady!! Woo! I'm growing under five 26w CFL's, four 5000k and one 2700k. The grow has gone great so far, no problems at all. The plant is super healthy from what I can tell too : ) So is a picture of her lady parts. So I'm...
  13. L

    Pre-flower?? What's it lookin' like??

    It doesn't have a stem to it. It's nestled in between the stem and new growth. Wider at the base. On other nodes I feel like I see really thin single hairs but I'm not sure. Maybe it's my eyes playing tricks on me haha. But it is hard to tell : /
  14. L

    Pre-flower?? What's it lookin' like??

    So I believe I have my first sign of sex. Insight? Sorry for the rotated pic. Can't seem to upload without it doing that...
  15. L

    How late into veg can you start LST and or top/FIM'??

    And for sure budtipps...I think I'll prolly try a FIM tomorrow. Hope I can get it right.
  16. L

    How late into veg can you start LST and or top/FIM'??

    Ya I figured it wouldn't yield too much but I've seen some pretty good 12/12 from seed grows : / This is more of an experimental grow to see how it goes before I invest in supplies/seeds. This was just a bag seed of some dank so we'll see I guess.
  17. L

    How late into veg can you start LST and or top/FIM'??

    Ok cool. I'm actually doing 12/12 from seed but sounds good. What would be best do you think? Sorry I'm a noob...just looking for suggestions lol
  18. L

    How late into veg can you start LST and or top/FIM'??

    So this is my first time growing and I was just wondering if there is a point in vegetative growth that may be to late to start LST and/or to top/FIM your plant?? I'm around day 45 or so and my plant is around 7 - 8 inches, has not shown sex and it has about 7 nodes/sets of leaves off the main...
  19. L

    How long will it take for my plant to express its sex?? CFL grow + first timer

    Also...would it be too late to try some LST or possibly FIM the plant?
  20. L

    How long will it take for my plant to express its sex?? CFL grow + first timer

    I do too! But I'm sure it's still early considering my conditions and lights (CFL). I'm just antsy haha. The plant looks very healthy though from what I can see and from other plants I've seen online. Very deep green on all leaves minus the original 2 true leaves at the very bottom which are...