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  1. J


    How much do the Berry bomb stretch when put under 12-12?
  2. J

    Crop Circle of Bud Questions. Hobbes Please Help!

    Hi blue I think if I have read it right is he wraps the two stems around the tomato trainer untiil they meet then off into flower. What I take from this is the stems stop growing and stretching and all the growth goes into the bud sites along the main stem which will then all grow up uniformly...
  3. J

    Getting Caught

    rofl some people are born stupid and stay stupid others with good nurturing and a good environment and can rise up and rise above the level of the stupid. Nice one Kludge
  4. J

    Questions on UV

    Just a quick question for anybody out there I have a uv novelty light if i put this in my fower room for the last 2 weeks will this increase thc content ?
  5. J

    New Grow Method

    Hi I was wondering at what hight you flowered the Mazar and how much they have stretched cos I have 5, 3 weeks from seed at about 6inches with 5 nodes and I wanted to know in your experience how much they stretch in flower ? thanks
  6. J


    that made me cry laughing, hope to post some big bud shots soon following your methods :)
  7. J

    new grow help

    Been here and around a while checking out the threads looking for some help/advice/input on a new grow. As usual as time goes by the information overload occurs and and now seem back where i started ;) stoned and confused . This will be my first grow in over 10 yrs the last was a 16 plant hydro...
  8. J

    Tutorial to Growing with Cfl's

    what do people think of the purple light cfl's . I am thinking of doing a small 4x2x3 box and am looking at different cfls thinking of 2 x 200w purple cfl's then 8x 20w warm white cfls from the hard ware shop along the top and 6x55 w flat cfl along the walls .My main concern for doing it this...
  9. J

    Tutorial to Growing with Cfl's

    Hi there just a few questions in . In small cabinet is it better to have all the same wattage bulbs aroud the top . I am thinking of doing a perpetual sog and was thinking about putting higher wattage bulbs on the new plants side of the cabinet . I was wondering if this would cause the bigger...