Search results

  1. H

    Herbies through Chicago

    I'm thinking... If I purchase seeds and they get seized. worst case scenario I'm out say $100 a letter in the mail and the cops/ DEA come and find nothing. And my grow is over before it even started. I won't be asking for my resend of seeds. Will I really be arrested for buying a few seeds...
  2. H

    Herbies through Chicago

    My wife gave the ok to grow a personal plant an my box is ready to go now I see all this about search, seize, letters, and shit. Being a family guy I don't need the bs of getting busted for seeds going through customs. Is there no way of buying in the US? So upset I waisted cash on my build.
  3. H

    speaker box lighting

    That's what I was thinking too. I'm going to go with the CFL's and if I continue I will use it in the dresser I would convert. No pictures yet, still planning. Looking to start the build this weekend. Once I do ill be posting the process for the much needed guidance.
  4. H

    speaker box lighting

    I have a 400w HPS ballast and a 250w bulb. Is this to much for such a small grow area? I think due to the small size the heat will be to much to handle.
  5. H

    speaker box lighting

    My speaker inside dimensions are 16.5" wide x 10.5" deep x 29" high. Was planning on using an adjustable hight strip outlet with 3 outlet to socket and 2 twin sockets for flower. (3) 23 watt/ 100 eq 5000k day for veg (5) 42 watt/ 150 eq 2700k soft for flower Will this be enough light...
  6. H

    Stealth speaker grow - lighting

    My speaker has inside dimensions of 16.5" wide, 10.5 deep, 29" height. Planning on 1 or 2 plants. Using CFLwill require a min of 100 actual watts (600 equivalent I believe) each plant? Those bulbs are 10"-13" + the bulb fixture so were talking about12"-15" length. Correct? I was...