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    Take down garden spray

    Yah I had something eating my plants. I sprayed it on the plants and soil. Spraying it on the soil might have been a mistake?
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    Very Slow Growth And Drooping

    Here is the ff feeding schedule: I would go on the light side of the recommendations.
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    Take down garden spray

  4. 4

    Take down garden spray

    Has anyone used it? I just had some plants die on me, and it was right after I sprayed them with Take Down. Trying to figure out if that was what caused it.
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    Plant dying? please help

    also now that I think back, the problems started after I sprayed with Take Down. Has anyone used this product before?
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    Very Slow Growth And Drooping

    I had a similar problem, plants started drooping and turned a darker green. They stopped absorbing water and then died. I was also using fox farm nutes. Never figured out what the exact problem was. Going to start over and see how it goes this time.
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    Plant dying? please help

    after reading this post : the best match was Nitrogen toxicity. Don't know how I would have gotten that, maybe to much nutes? but before the plants died they did turn a darker green.
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    Plant dying? please help

    last one just died. So I am going to work on getting some clones and start over.
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    Plant dying? please help

    anyone? I am down to one plant. if it goes I am going to get some clones from my friend and start over, but I want to make sure this doesn't happen again. any ideas what could have caused this? Like I said temp and humidity has been stable for the last week.
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    Plant dying? please help

    OK temp and humidity is under control. I have cut back watering and nutes, but plant's are still dying one by one. Anyone have any ideas?
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    Plant dying? please help

    Ok so I was just looking at the plants and I noticed something in the dirt moving. I grabed a chunk of dirt and my mag glass. There are these tiny gray creatures. maybe 3mm long 1 mm wide. When I knocked them off the dirt on to my counter and was shinning a light on them they would jump. Anyone...
  12. 4

    Plant dying? please help

    I think of them are gonners. Two looks worse and two looks better and one is unchanged. I did notice that the two are doing worse are righ next to my CO2 out put. I did the soda bottle thing with sugar yeast and water. Is there anyway I could have screwed up the mix and it is putting off...
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    Plant dying? please help

    BTW. Thanks to everyone that has been posting. Reps all around.
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    Plant dying? please help

    I have been giving each plant about 2 ounces a day with nutes mixed in everyother day. I have a 400W HPS bulb. I was watering about 3 ounces a day for awhile because I was going by my moisture meter, but then I realized it was faulty, so I cut back to 2.
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    Plant dying? please help

    sorry to hear that. OK I will back off with the nutrients. What is a good way to test the ph of the soil? I have a probe tester that is supposed to measure mositure, ph and and light, but i don't think it works very well. The moister is always on the dry side and the ph nedel never moves.
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    Plant dying? please help

    picture is taking with lights off on a cell camera so it doesn't really show true colors, but yes they are darker than they used to be. No there is no water that drain out the bottom of the pots. There are holes at the bottom of teh pots, but the medium absorbs all the water.
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    Plant dying? please help

    here is a pic of all 5 girls(hopefully)
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    Plant dying? please help

    Shoudl I cut off the damaged leaves or leave them on?
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    Plant dying? please help

    That's one plant in that pot in the pic. I am growing indoors and I got a humidifier so humuidity should not be an issue. Neither should heat be going forward. There is no run off from the plant when I water them, so I can't measure it. My frined is using the same soil and he has not had any...
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    Plant dying? please help

    my RO water is about 6.5