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  1. F

    how do i proppagate

    thanks for that. ill tell ya how it goes
  2. F

    how do i proppagate

    cheers for that, ok so forinstance last time i grew i used those peat pellet things that absorb water do i do that then transplant them in to the clay pebles. and if so how do i do thye transplant.
  3. F

    how do i proppagate

    hi im starting a little grow and was wondering how do i proppagate for hydroponics?
  4. F

    help with ppm ec and ph

    hi iam gettin evrything readdy for my next grow wich is gonna b a bubbleponics system the last time i grew was in soil and was moderately successful. how every this timw im goin bigger. 600w hps 6 pot bubble system. but now all i need to know is what the bloody hell to do with the nutes. firstly...
  5. F

    T5's burnt the top of one!!!! is this bad

    i left gthem for three days over xmas and then i came back and the tip was burnt to a crisp i havnt found out if its bad or not yet but i thought wot the hell and i toppped it. i dont know if that was the rite thing to doo but oh well well c in a few days.
  6. F

    has any one grown????

    all rite evry one? i have a choclope haze plant and i need some advice PPPPPLLLLEEEAAAASSSSEEE help me!!!!!!!!
  7. F

    when to fim/topp

    i saw a post on here about fiming? when should i do this. im in the 4 week of veg at the moment. cheers
  8. F


    their no to bad at the moment but its only happened since yesterday or the day before. they are not as green as the blue cheese that i have is that a sign of un healthy plants.
  9. F


    hey evry one my plants leaves are curling in on them selfs is it tht they are too dry. there is no yellowing and they are only 2 and half weeks old. please help i dont wanna loose the haze.