Search results

  1. CertifiedArborist

    CO2 bottle method questions?!?!?

    Best thing you can do! and everybody might want to pick up Growing with CO2. Great book and lots of good info thats needed when using co2. if your runnng exhaust fans it would be more of a pain in the ass to do this bottle system and no real point eather. you have enough co2 to keep your...
  2. CertifiedArborist

    Help please - nutrients problem

    i dont post on here much but you guys are giving wrong info. in an ebb and flow system you want to flood for about 3-4 min. with the time it takes for everything to drain you will be around 15 mins, and you do it as needed. I run a ebbe and flow system and with young plants I water once every 2...
  3. CertifiedArborist

    yield question

    thats the truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would go with the 1000w and get a nice inline fan you will be happy with that!
  4. CertifiedArborist

    Co2 is it worth it

    If you plan on growing for more then 2 or 3 crops then it is very wroth the $300 cost. I get my tank filled for $35 so its alittle over $70 the whole grow and you get more bud sites and I have seen 6'' of growth in one day! If you get the hydrofarm co2 system then just get the little glass tubes...
  5. CertifiedArborist

    bud worms?????

    hahaha sebastopol ca? I'm moving there in a month That sucks man! my buddy had some worms or catpillers, he just pullud them off and checked them a few times a day. I wouldnt spray anything on the buds!!!!! Good luck!
  6. CertifiedArborist

    pay day! time for flower enhancer! which one?

    Remember more is not always better!!! If your using GH I would get some fox farm nutes- open sesame for the last week of veg and the first 3 weeks of flower, then beastie bloomz for the 4th week of flower, and cha ching untill week 8 of flower. at week 5 of flower use gravity, if you got balls...
  7. CertifiedArborist

    cure in bucket?

    They do have they ones at petco or any pet stores to store dog food in. I have a few for my dogs and they are air tight. The dog food I give them will go bad if it is left in something that isnt air tight then my dogs wont eat it. They do cost almost $50 but you should be able to put everything...
  8. CertifiedArborist

    drying buds with dry ice in freezer

    Thinking about doing this. What do you guys think? info can be found in ''Marijuana Horticulture The indoor/outdoor Medical Growers Bible'' by Jorge Cervantes, in Chapter 5, on pg.92 "Freeze Drying, Dry ice is Carbon dioxide. When it warms Co2 converts for a frozen solid to a gas,without...
  9. CertifiedArborist

    pay day! time for flower enhancer! which one?

    I dont know about all of the flower enhancer/hardener on the market but I have a pretty good idea of the ones you have listed. 1.Floralicious- I havent used it, but my wifes brother just started using this and I have some of his last grow and I dont think it came out good at all. I wouldnt use...
  10. CertifiedArborist

    US army sargent Bochishio

    california is your best bet. with all of the clubs/co-ops you can get just about any kind of weed you want. growing is easy out here if you stay under 6 plants per person and if you do a big grow dont talk to anybody about it or get some people togeather with recs or find a club that needs...
  11. CertifiedArborist

    Help me build a vertical sog in my tent!

    I would say check out this thread but you already did. His mini vert cage is 44" wide and 30" tall so that should fit in there. I'm trying to fined out the specs from him on the size of the pvc pipe. I have seen people use...
  12. CertifiedArborist

    Heaths Mini Vertical

    Wow I was thinking it was bigger then that. I have a few more questions for you if its cool since I'm trying to do something like this. 1st what size pvc did you use? 2nd is it 44" from end to end or is that the open space in the middle 44"? 3rd how much space are you giving in the middle of...
  13. CertifiedArborist

    Heaths Mini Vertical

    hey how many feet of floor space does that take up?
  14. CertifiedArborist

    Certified Arborist's Grape Ape Grow

    I tryed to unload pica but it keeps telling me its a invalid file I will keep trying.
  15. CertifiedArborist

    I crossed grape with hindu kush

    Heres the link to my G.J. on here pics will be up in about an hour. Yeah everytime I think about it my mouth starts to water!!!!!!!
  16. CertifiedArborist


    Yeah I became a Certified Arborist because I love trees and plants. I hate removing the unless theres no other way to deal with tree problems! Arbor day is cool we always go and plant trees for people in our town and try and teach people about proper care. I love my job!!! I get to work burn a...
  17. CertifiedArborist

    How Much To Sell For?

    Since you had to ask that question it shows that you have NO idea about business. If you want to sell, for one your not smart enough for that (I dont know you and dont know how smart you are but by this thread it shows you have no reason to deal anything!) and two fined out what you can get it...
  18. CertifiedArborist

    WTF is this?

    everything looks nice!!! just see if it spreads, if it does and the leaf its on has more then 50% brown then cut it off. you should have some nice herb though! and from the other thread you have about the ph it could be that because its not good to add ph down everyday. I also used the G.H. ph...
  19. CertifiedArborist

    Certified Arborist's Grape Ape Grow

    really the colder temps help out with more then the color! if its hotter then 72-73 then the leaves show heat stress, anything 72 and under I was told that it will turn purple.well we will see. right now everything is a dark green and the new groth is a bit lighter not much though. pics will...
  20. CertifiedArborist

    Certified Arborist's Grape Ape Grow

    yeah its good hreb when done right. Its my first grow with this strain and its not that easy! a few friends got the same clones from the same place and mine are the only one alive still. they like colder rooms 65-72 and alittle more humidiy then others but that nor-cal for ya! the rason I know...