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  1. caffeinated.chris

    Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

    Sorry for delayed answer. Looks like a Manganese problem to me.
  2. caffeinated.chris

    First time grower (CFL) / new to RIU

    will do. I'm guessing I'd notice a white or black fuzz in the nooks and crannies?
  3. caffeinated.chris

    First time grower (CFL) / new to RIU

    I'll give in a week maybe and check scent. And get back to you guys. Fingers crossed.
  4. caffeinated.chris

    First time grower (CFL) / new to RIU

    Ok one is good. The other needs a little room. Thank you :)
  5. caffeinated.chris

    First time grower (CFL) / new to RIU

    Ok. They actually are in two 2cup jars. I said 4 for better explanation haha. Should I split them into my other jars? I have a bunch of 1cup jars and another 2cup
  6. caffeinated.chris

    First time grower (CFL) / new to RIU

    Bahahah exactly! Holy shiza I'm happy with it hahaa. If I can get rid of that smell I'll be even happier. We shall see and I shall keep hands off. I purchased a couple humidity packs I use for my usual jar. They're 69% humidity though :/. Got em when I was scared of excessive dehydration. Don't...
  7. caffeinated.chris

    First time grower (CFL) / new to RIU

    Oh and no I tried to make bubble hash with lower quality buds and trim... but ruined it hahah. Im such a newb X-D
  8. caffeinated.chris

    First time grower (CFL) / new to RIU

    Fug accidentally deleted a comment. Damnit this is hard from a phone
  9. caffeinated.chris

    First time grower (CFL) / new to RIU

    Ok. Will do. Thanks MD. ♡ I tried one today for science. Haha. Attempted a skinny j. I'm horrible at them. Fug.
  10. caffeinated.chris

    First time grower (CFL) / new to RIU

    Ok. I have more jars. And I'll stop burping. You think if they soak it'll help get rid of the chlorophyl smell?
  11. caffeinated.chris

    First time grower (CFL) / new to RIU

    I can't tell the RU because my hygrometer is too large :(
  12. caffeinated.chris

    First time grower (CFL) / new to RIU

    I don't have the weight unfortunately. Not yet. I have a friend who's going to let me borrow his scale for this. I'm excited for the dry weight! I have it in 4 cup mason jar. Bottom to top basically of decent quality. Not all tho, some were tossed for poor quality.
  13. caffeinated.chris

    First time grower (CFL) / new to RIU

    Gotcha. Thanks man. I will for sure keep that in mind. I originally was going to get a 150 HPS and ballast :(
  14. caffeinated.chris

    First time grower (CFL) / new to RIU

    Also, a question for everyone, I've done a ton of research on here and seem to hear so many different and opposite conclusions. I have been attempting to burp. But the buds continuously smell grassy. I understand this is a chlorophyl diffusion problem. But cannot understand if it's because too...
  15. caffeinated.chris

    First time grower (CFL) / new to RIU

    Thank you for all the info man! I had looked into those cool tubes and thought they might fit. Oh man that'd be sick. So you're saying that a 400w HPS bulb on a 250w ballast would be better set to than being set to 400w? And I agree on LEDs, give em time to haha. They're cheap. Eventually LEDs...
  16. caffeinated.chris

    First time grower (CFL) / new to RIU

    You should. I'll follow. Lmk
  17. caffeinated.chris

    First time grower (CFL) / new to RIU

    I believe that haha. I bet they get hot. Is that what you're running now? Do you have a journal up?
  18. caffeinated.chris

    First time grower (CFL) / new to RIU

    Honestly, thank you MD for your support. You were the one RIUser that stuck in here from the beginning and helped me out when I needed it. I tip my hat to you. I just cant wait to take my next step in life, which just might be leaving NY and moving westward for a possible education on this...
  19. caffeinated.chris

    First time grower (CFL) / new to RIU

    Thanks dude! For being only 6 CFL's, the buds came out much larger than I expected! Maybe next time a HPS light will be in order? Either that or I will be getting rid of this closet