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  1. M

    I have never seen this happen...

    This plant was from seed and my cat loved to nibble on it... could possibly be the problem. The only reason i hesitate is that this is the only plant of four that has the issue... who knows.... if it gets worse or transfers i think i will try something but i went ahead and got some stuff ordered...
  2. M

    I have never seen this happen...

    I don't have a garden shop close so i went ahead and got some avid and neem oil on amazon. Thanks for the advice. I hope i can get to harvest with viable buds... seems to me i have about a month of so left.
  3. M

    I have never seen this happen...

    I found an article here that has a good pic. Now that this seems to be the problem... suggestions on killing the little buggers? too small to see and I don't want them on my other plants.
  4. M

    I have never seen this happen...

    My overall look. you can see the minor nute burn and curling just starting to happen. The problem plant is in the back left :
  5. M

    I have never seen this happen...

    I am thinking it has to be a heat/light issue maybe or even nutes.... It is only the upper part of the plant.
  6. M

    I have never seen this happen...

    I have four plants a month into flowering. One of them, a pineapple express has some of its leaves curling and turning yellow but only on one side. It doesn't seem to be a pattern of which side of the leaf is doing this but the rest of the leaf and the buds still look perfect. The leaves are...
  7. M

    When do i go 12/12?

    I appreciate the comments. At this rate I may be vegging for three months. They are still only about eight inches tall after a month and three toppings. I intend on replanting today so we will see if that helps with height. They are incredibly bushy and seem very healthy, just short. Would...
  8. M

    When do i go 12/12?

    Hey everyone, thanks for the advice. I have four plants three at four weeks tomorrow and one at three on the same day. I expect a full 6+ weeks for veg but I was curious how you can tell when you may want to start switching for optimum yield? They are starting to stink something fierce, its...
  9. M

    First time grow question.

    i started one plant a week late after one of my others did not want to sprout. Currently my four plants are g13 labs Pineapple Express (love the movie... couldn't resist.) two Kalishnikova (AK47/WW) . They have older genetics now but used to be pretty unstable from what i have read. Mine seem...
  10. M

    First time grow question.

    I'm going to have to add my photos later...err today hah. I do indeed have a good bit of indica genetics.
  11. M

    First time grow question.

    I see quite a few first time growers with tall lanky plants and understand that this is caused by many factors. I am one day shy of my 3 week mark since sprouting and my plants are still only a couple of inches tall but incredibly bushy. I am probably over analyzing it but I am afraid my plants...
  12. M

    Curious if my plants have too much of a good thing.

    Hi all, I am new to this and so have what are probably some really stupid questions. I don't have any pictures but my plants are just under two weeks from seeds and look great (to me). My question is... how tall should they be with their third set of leaves? I was planning on topping once the...