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  1. K

    advice on sog set up

    im planting 10supergirl and 5 ultra skunk under a 600wt hps can anybody giv sum advice :confused:
  2. K

    Welcome New Members!

    w4foot h8foot l7foot how many wud u need for sea of green
  3. K

    First Grow: Got a Question.

    sry bout tat mate im just geten fustrated trying to get advice im new on this so excuse tat slip up cheers
  4. K

    First Grow: Got a Question.

    im starten a grow under a600wt hps 10supergirl and 5 ultraskunk is dis enough for sea of green wt kind of yeild wud it b and any other advice u can give
  5. K

    grow box question

    just starten a grow 10supergirl 5 ultraskunk under 600wt hps wud dis b enough for sea of green growing in soil advise please
  6. K

    Welcome New Members!

    just preparing 10supergirl and 5 ultraskunk under a 600wtt hps soil grow potted close 2geter for sog can anybody give advice please do wud dis b enough for a sea of green and wat wud u say the yeild wud b