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  1. sdholic

    Botanicare Pure Blend Pro Bloom (front 2.5-3-5, back 2.5-2-5) 7.0% Humic Acid? Error?

    in case you guys are still wondering. pure blend pro comes in both a hydrogarden formula (NPK 2-3-5) and a soil formula with less N and more P (NPK 1-4-5). I use both but would definately not recommend the hydro version in soil. I do however use the soil version in hydro in the last 4 weeks of...
  2. sdholic

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    homegrown fantaseeds. couple bucks more but ive seen and smoked the fantaseeds armageddon so i didnt want to compromise.
  3. sdholic

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Thanks bud. I hooked up some carbon sheets from hope depot under the fan to cut down on smell and it worked surprisingly well. Hope its tasty! Got nice and purple for me. Armageddon is next. Ive heard great things about it as a strain and think i can conquer it with the ScrOG bucket
  4. sdholic

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Harvestest about half the colas so far. The second half will be my sleepier smoke.
  5. sdholic

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Hey everybody... ive been busy and so have the girls. Here's a pic if anyone's interested how the scrog is going. 3 weeks left. buds are packing on the weight......
  6. sdholic

    Barney's Farm LSD

    Ya remember im talking per plant too. So im thinkin 4 oz per plant, 8 total, so 1/2 p. Those cfls definately help too. I just cant deal with the heat or id stuff my tent full of 'em. Ive got 29000 total lumens. But as i mentioned before im pretty new to scrog so maybe ill suprise myself.
  7. sdholic

    Barney's Farm LSD

    Well ill take the good karma. A 1/2 p would be nice... I hear you on the burnout. I live with two other card holders so i trade them for whatever they pick up from the clinics. What was your grm/w on that last LSD grow. You mentioned it was a 250hps with cfl side lighting. Total wattage? Thanks
  8. sdholic

    Barney's Farm LSD

    Wow man, 4-5 zips! I dont think ill get 5 per with my screen. Guess you got a good stash going...
  9. sdholic

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Thanks, if thats directed toward me. haha. Its a great set imo. Just picked it up before the first week of flowering. The digital 250 puts off SOOO much more light than my old magnetic 150.
  10. sdholic

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Thanks! Glad to be here!
  11. sdholic

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Certainly feel free to share anything you find useful. Id be honored to join the bubblehead group. Funny thing. First grow i was ever a part of was a buddys grow who was using the stealth hydro tub. Ill see if i can figure out how to get that avatar in my signature. Im glad to help in any way...
  12. sdholic

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Well thanks once again. I was attacked by spider mites and totally ruined last round, so im crossing my fingers that those little fckrs stay away! I actually found the parts list from my original shopping trip to home depot for the scrog tub thing. So here ya go! Parts: 1x Sterilite 10...
  13. sdholic

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Thanks mr.woodes. Ive been through so many design changes. From SOG to crazy CFL setups, a little passive hydro and even soil. But i gotta say the scrog/dwc has been treating me well. Hey there mostlycrazy. Thanks for the kind words. Yes, they are purple trainwrecks. One of my favorite...
  14. sdholic

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    That sounds tasty, i had some grape-ape from the neighborhood co-op recently, bet it would be great with the sweet grape. I ran the sweet berry on a headband grow last time around and the taste was so weird:-?. Hoping the purplewreck goes with the berry thing a little better this time.
  15. sdholic

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Well thank you. Im sticking with the botanicare line atm. Pure blend pro grow, bloom, cal-mag+, sweet-berry, and 0 ppm RO water (the best part of all)
  16. sdholic

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Ha my bad. I think they're up now
  17. sdholic

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Here my little 250w lumatek tent setup. Pretty happy with the progress. Here's some purple trainwreck currently 2.5 weeks into flowering. Expecting great things from this scrog. Can i be in the club?
  18. sdholic

    Evolution Is A Theory On Which You Base A Religion

    I have to say its encouraging to see people still looking for truth in these areas, and taking the time to talk about it. I laugh to myself when i see how many people i work with everyday in my mba program dont give a shit about such issues, but the socially condemned tokers are seemingly hungry...
  19. sdholic

    Evolution Is A Theory On Which You Base A Religion

    Have to say, there really is an imbalance in the creationism argument. To auto-respond with "God" to every piece of potential evidence pointing toward evolution shows a huge amount of ignorance and even disbelief in your own "faith". Not a single one of us knows how we got here. To be offended...
  20. sdholic

    dwc/soil how they lookn?

    thanks for the thoughts bake. when u say fish store, do you mean like a petstore like petco or petsmart? also do you just bring your own container and pay for how much you use or buy it in their containers? thanks a lot man sry for all the questions, this water issue is getting hard to manage.