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  1. I

    plant growing too slowly

    its been really hot recently and i hadn't watered the plant in a day so i think this is why the leaves started turning yellow, so i gave it 150ml water do you guys think this is the right thing to do?, pls reply asap thanks a lot :)
  2. I

    plant growing too slowly

    Ok I'll keep that in mind thanku <3 and I Don't really have any dealers who sell good weed so I normally pay 350 NZ dollars for an ounce
  3. I

    plant growing too slowly

    ok thanks a lot :), ill keep everyone updated with photos of how its going if you want :)
  4. I

    plant growing too slowly

    btw it's a regular seed so i cant tell if its male or female yet, when do you guys think i should start adding nutes?
  5. I

    plant growing too slowly

    ok thanks a lot. this is all very helpful stuff :)
  6. I

    plant growing too slowly

    yeah your probably right, but i couldn't get hold of any other type :/. and around 14-15 hours
  7. I

    plant growing too slowly

    also it gets pretty windy here so does anyone have suggestions on how i could tie it to something to stop it getting blown around so much?
  8. I

    plant growing too slowly

    i'm comparing it to soil based vids. and i'm using this soil called tui flower power which containshas 6 month slow release fertilizer, sea weed, peat moss and some other stuff
  9. I

    plant growing too slowly

    Ok thanks a lot man how long until you think i should transplant it? and lastly do you think it looks like its getting enough sun? because it is in the bush and its probably not getting as much sun as it should :p
  10. I

    plant growing too slowly

    from videos on the internet and by looking at the plant i can tell it should of grown some proper leaves by now, but u can judge for yourself now that i have the photos up :)
  11. I

    plant growing too slowly

    that's degrees Celsius by the way :)
  12. I

    plant growing too slowly

    21 and 16 ill jus tupload a few photos of it now
  13. I

    plant growing too slowly

    Hey everybody! :). This is my first grow and i have been growing my plant in New Zealand outdoors now for 13 days and i feel like my plant is not big enough for how long it has been growing, also it has hardly developed any proper leaves yet. I have been watering every 2-3 days. I will attatch...