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  1. EdgeWyse

    Weed and panic/ paranoia/ schizophrenia

    There are already a bunch of good posts, but I feel compelled to do the same. How common is it for a bad Erowid trip? Probably more often than in reality because there are plenty of (Lobbyist..esque) people who would love to plant seeds in all the brains who visit Erowid... and other people...
  2. EdgeWyse

    folding top leaves???????

    I had the same problem. I know that I didn't have any problems until my disastrous (Kathy Bates in Misery style) nutrient abuse. I also think that I had the temp too high as it shouldn't have been too much above room temperature. So I'd be interested to know if it might be heat stress too???
  3. EdgeWyse

    Another Plant With Problems

    Come on, please! Is it a magnesium deficiency?
  4. EdgeWyse

    Plant problem?Can someone help? pics

    I've got the same issue of coloration on the leaves PLUS some of them are drying up and dying. ??????????????
  5. EdgeWyse

    Another Plant With Problems

    Well my pH is 7, so back to square one. The problem is getting worse by the day. The older leaves are losing their color and then drying, turning brown and dying. The newer leaves have either developed a lighter green area on their edges, or with the newest growth the leaves are simply...
  6. EdgeWyse

    Another Plant With Problems

  7. EdgeWyse

    Another Plant With Problems

    bumpity bump
  8. EdgeWyse

    Another Plant With Problems

    I've been struggling with my plants for the last couple weeks since I over-fertilized. The first few leaves had already started falling off as usual by this time, but since then I've had the new leaf growth begin to yellow or turn lighter green on the edges and more and more leaves are losing...