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  1. F


    So. I would give it a good drenching every 4 to 5 days
  2. F


    You should wait until the soil is dry about 2 inches down so that the roots get oxygen, marijuana likes dry periods. It is very easy to be tempted to overwater bt try to resist, ideally water with a ph level between 6.5 and 7 is the best, have it at room temperature.
  3. F

    slow growing lowryder 2? need help

    Yeah there is yellow but its only very slight, is that nute burn, if so, is that what is causing the slow growth? And when should they start to speed up? Thanks for the help
  4. F

    slow growing lowryder 2? need help

    What colour is light burn?
  5. F

    slow growing lowryder 2? need help

    Thanks, and how often should i be feeding. I fed today at quarter strngth
  6. F

    slow growing lowryder 2? need help ths is it
  7. F

    slow growing lowryder 2? need help
  8. F

    slow growing lowryder 2? need help

  9. F

    slow growing lowryder 2? need help

    Okay my leaves or cotyledons are half that size, there is yellow on the cotyledons
  10. F

    slow growing lowryder 2? need help

    Im on my phone and it wnt let me upload pics for some reason. I did overwater at the start bt then i transplanted and let it dry out. It does luk better, bt growth is minimal frm day to day
  11. F

    slow growing lowryder 2? need help

    So, i dnt knw how to upload pics, bt im grnw ing a lowrydr 2 and its 10 days old since it broke soil. It has the cotyledons and the first set of leaves, i cn c where the new leaves are coming, bt it seems to be very using a 25wat 6400k cfl, there is no stretch at all, wil it pik up in a...
  12. F

    slow growing lowryder 2? need help

    So, im not sure how to upload pics, so if someone could tel me how that would be great. I have a seedling that is exactly 10 days old, the cotyledons and the first set of true leaves are there, i can see where the second set are starting to grow. Its just over an inch tall, i have it under 2 25...