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    C02 Calculator ~ Calculate How Long to Run your CO2 Tank

    I make homemade wine and was gonna put my wine in same room as plants any idea how to calculate the C02 from 5 gals wine over time it would need to be replaced about every two weeks as it slows down alot after about a week or so . Im kinda getto and a cheapskate so its ye old killing two birds...
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    Proper Way to Germinate?

    just a thought i tried to germ some seeds a few weeks ago dont put em were mice are lol mine just germed in a drawer and i was about to put em in jiffy pots and when i checked em the mice had wiped me out wich is a good topic for another thread mice and grow area I live on a farm and mice are...
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    busted and not lovin it

    I dont believe simple posation will prevent u gettin a card but trafficing or manafacture will but id Check to be sure I have been considering getting one myself but IM just sure that if i do theyll change the law the day i get it LOL
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    busted and not lovin it

    ewwe that sux Idaho is hatin on pot I know i used to live there im back in Ore now thank God I got busted in an illegal road block in Idaho once and have the pictures to prove it DEA hates havin there pictures takin btw LOL
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    Another Reflector question

    If u find out let me know I have the same question Im settin up my first Ghetto grow and i have a couple old Sattelite dishes layin around 24in i think and wondering how these would work Im a lil afraid if u werent careful u could burn yer plants tho looks like u could mount a shipload of Cfls...