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  1. H

    Please help determine the problem!

    how would I take care of it or know for sure if its virus? Because my symptoms match over fertilizing, nutes lockout, and even root rot
  2. H

    Please help determine the problem!

    so you think its a good idea to wait a little and then flush it with that tea? no nutes or calcium should be added when I use tea??
  3. H

    Please help determine the problem!

    run off was about 6.3ph i feend them every 5 days but niw probably less since they got bigger and mix dryes faster. ppm is at 1000 now
  4. H

    Please help determine the problem!

    My plants are a bit over a month old and started to have burns on leaves a tips dry out. I water my plants every 5 days with nutes and calmag. Last watering had 750ppm and 6.2ph. I am growing in coco perlite mix, 2 gal bucket. Read somewhere that flushing with nutes about 1000ppm. That was 2...
  5. H

    First Time Grow. Need Help! Stems are wayy too long. Any advice helps

    Here is the update of my 2 week old seedlings. Thanks everyone for your advice, helped to keep them alive. let me know what you think I dont know why the last one curls up like that. Does it need more light?
  6. H

    First Time Grow. Need Help! Stems are wayy too long. Any advice helps

    I see. mine are just starting but leaves a bit yellow.
  7. H

    First Time Grow. Need Help! Stems are wayy too long. Any advice helps

    Thanks bro a lot of good info. ima save those 10 gal for when ima grow outside. I transplanted my rockwool cubes into 2 gal pots and still didnt water them, leaves are looking much better. I was wondering what is a good way to water them first time? Would it be good to water them from the bottom...
  8. H

    First Time Grow. Need Help! Stems are wayy too long. Any advice helps

    got wall mount fan set low blowing on them, might boost it up to medium soon but i can see leaves and stems move from air, but stems are still skinny. Ill post pics when light turn back on
  9. H

    First Time Grow. Need Help! Stems are wayy too long. Any advice helps

    I just thought since mother plant will always get clones chopped off it need to be in bigger pot to be able to supply a good amount of clones. If i lower the light and just always keep it in vegetative stage it will still grow up to 10ft?
  10. H

    First Time Grow. Need Help! Stems are wayy too long. Any advice helps

    I bought some and added to the water but i dont know if I should use any nutes yet they are only 2 weeks old? My water is 6.5 ph and around 300ppm without nutes just with calmag
  11. H

    First Time Grow. Need Help! Stems are wayy too long. Any advice helps

    Bagseed? what is that? I am using free seeds that came with a purchase of some goodies that Im saving for later ;) but my very first grow i used 2 seeds that i found in some bud, but they died due to over-watering. Learned that lesson. So you think 10gal is too big for mother plant under 400w MH?
  12. H

    First Time Grow. Need Help! Stems are wayy too long. Any advice helps

    well i just bought a T5 light that is 6500k and another T12 bulb that is 5850k and i have the other one that is 4100k so ima use all of these till plant produces a lil more leaves then ima slap it under 400w Mh Im done fucking around. You keep your moms under 1000w MH? how many you fit under one...
  13. H

    First Time Grow. Need Help! Stems are wayy too long. Any advice helps

    Thanks for help. I am going to use coco with perlite mix. any tips on what kind of additives to use. I see that many people add Calmax to their grow medium.
  14. H

    First Time Grow. Need Help! Stems are wayy too long. Any advice helps

    I just replaced the warm bulb which is only 3000k to the cool. so now i have 2 4 feet cool which are 4100k plus one CFL on the side and its 25w i believe.
  15. H

    First Time Grow. Need Help! Stems are wayy too long. Any advice helps

    Thanks everybody for replies. I am going to transplant them into pots with mix and see what happens. also I will get different light bulbs, High Output 6500k hope my local grow store has them. I have MH 400w just waiting till they grow up a bit tho.
  16. H

    First Time Grow. Need Help! Stems are wayy too long. Any advice helps

    Sorry forgot to mention I have 2, 4 feet T12 lights above them, one bulb is cool white the other one is warm, and another light just on the side laying. What should I do at this point? should I just transplant them into pot with grow mix and just bury the stem more?
  17. H

    First Time Grow. Need Help! Stems are wayy too long. Any advice helps

    Hi RIU im new here and its my first time growing. my seedlings are almost 2 weeks old and i messed up by having the light too far away and slowly moving it closer to the plants Seen someone do it like that in grow tutorials supposedly so plants wont go into shock or something now the light is...