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  1. jackieon

    2014 High Times LA Medical Cannabis Cup

    hahah okay, how old is everyone anyway, am i among Mature men? LOL Is anyone planning on buying Glass?
  2. jackieon

    anyone need a buddy for the 2014 Cannabis cup in California?

    well I have friends that smoke, but they dont have a rec. whoops. and are all broke. LOL but I'm down to go on my own! I'm glad I joined your group!~ hopefully we are all around the same age range lol
  3. jackieon

    2014 High Times LA Medical Cannabis Cup

    LOL I'm sure you all can take WAY bigger hits than I can! we'll see ;)
  4. jackieon

    2014 High Times LA Medical Cannabis Cup

    OH MY GOODNESS! I'll post another picture of me and my bong thats an older picture, when I had LONG hair. I'M NOT A FED!
  5. jackieon

    2014 High Times LA Medical Cannabis Cup

    I did read some posts, but i saw a map and a picture of 2 palm trees. I have never been anywhere near that area I would have no IDEA how to get there. :u
  6. jackieon

    2014 High Times LA Medical Cannabis Cup

    where will everyone meet?
  7. jackieon

    2014 High Times LA Medical Cannabis Cup

    I'm 21!! lol bongsmilie
  8. jackieon

    anyone need a buddy for the 2014 Cannabis cup in California?

    I'm not sure yet I'm actually buying my ticket as we speak I'm not sure which one to get! I'm down for anything though. :roll:
  9. jackieon

    anyone need a buddy for the 2014 Cannabis cup in California?

    hello everyone!~ I will be attending the Event this year for the first time! and I want to meet new people and chill. Is anyone down to meet up?!:eyesmoke: everyone is welcome!
  10. jackieon

    2014 High Times LA Medical Cannabis Cup

    anyone going alone? I need a buddy heres a picture of me and my baby <3 lol I love meeting new people!