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  1. S

    Not sure if my girls will make it

    Roots looked like this I put the same nute solution they had been getting in the cloner (clonex in distilled water) into the medium to help ease the transition. Ill make surethe ph gets down. should it be closer to 6.0 range?
  2. S

    Looking for a caregiver

    Oh. I did not know that. Well what's up ezmoney?
  3. S

    Looking for a caregiver

    Mine went through I think.
  4. S

    Looking for a caregiver

    It may have been because we weren't friends. Try and resend it
  5. S

    Looking for a caregiver

    Thanks man I will!
  6. S

    Looking for a caregiver

    Its not that I cant get any, its more that I have 12 plants that I cant grow myself anymore and I hate to see them go to waste. So why not give someone access to my plants and I can have a trustworthy person to get meds from
  7. S

    Looking for a caregiver

    Im a legal mmmp in the jackson area and im looking for someone to be my caregiver. If anyone out there would like to be my caregiver that'd be awesome :)