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  1. S


    Hi cultivator Thanks for the advice, yes i think you are right that i have tranplanted too young ,the plants are coming round now but it was a hell of a shock for them,This combined with overwatering are classic nub mistakes i'v made. The ph is for hydro so you are on the ball.Once again thanks...
  2. S

    Read This First!

    Good morning can you help, i am a first timer and my seedlings did well in compost pellets.i have just transplanted to rockwool cubes.the seedling are about three inches high with first set of they grow the leaves are curling downwards and a couple have started to fall over? the temp...
  3. S


    Good morning can you help, i am a first timer and my seedlings did well in compost pellets.i have just transplanted to rockwool cubes.the seedling are about three inches high with first set of they grow the leaves are curling downwards and a couple have started to fall over? the temp...