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  1. R

    Pruning when and how much

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    Air Tiger 1

    bumper cars
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    Air Tiger 1

    Has anyone on here used the Air Tiger 1? My grow closet is also inside my room. This gen. covers up to 3000 ft. can that be harmful? Do you think that maybe if i get a negative ionizer that it would "filter" some of the ozone?
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    carbon filter installation question

    fantasic. thank you very much!
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    ozone generator queestion

    Ganja- thanks for your help! i shall mess around with it. No drama- fantastic find!! I will def. use the ozone gen
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    ozone generator queestion

    how many hours on and off daily???
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    ozone generator queestion

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    carbon filter installation question

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    carbon filter installation question

    So I have a bunch of posts on here about the wonders of carbon filters. Here's my situation: It is a STLEAALLTHHH closet grow. I bought a wooden closet cabinet to put in my closet/ "grow space." I have three plants planted so who knows how many are going to be female. How can I install a...
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    ozone generator queestion

    the grow closet is in my bedroom... Is it still safe to use the ozone gen?? thanks for all help!
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    ozone generator queestion

    Thank you all for your input la9- I have an ozone gen. a buddy gave it to me. is it okay to put it inside the grow cab?
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    ozone generator queestion

    haha yeah the drawing got all messed up when i submitted the reply. it was a simple, wooden cabinet, with two plants at the base, lights, and ozone gen. hung up on the top side of the wall inside the cabinet. has your gen. affected your health in anyway? Excuse my lack of proper terminology...
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    ozone generator queestion

    whoops. that got all messed up. basically there is a storage cabinet in a closet. a drilled hole in the bottom with a fish tank air pump. the ozone generator would be hung up on the inside of the wall. lighting etc etc. would this work?
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    ozone generator queestion

    I see. Will it do a GOOD job masking the fragrance of 1-3 plants? Also, is it in your room? ------------ | --- | (this is a cabinet that is in a close that has two | |03 | opening doors) | | | | | | | --- | |...
  15. R

    ozone generator queestion

    Is it safe to keep an ozone generator in a closet of a bedroom if someone is sleeping in it? If not, would an additional ionizer reduce health risks?? Thanks for all advice!