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  1. Icarus Haul

    REP WARS! (Mindfuck!)

  2. Icarus Haul

    Growing 3 plants worth it?

    Well if this is your first grow then yes go ahead and begin, almost everybody does terrible on their first grow so no matter how man you start with, you'll be lucky to harvest one plant. If you treat them good you can pull 9 oz off three plants.
  3. Icarus Haul

    Rule of THUMB for watering seedlings

    What i've always done is water the seedlings every 6th day. Or at least until there about three weeks old then I switch to every three to four days.
  4. Icarus Haul

    Hello I am Icarus Haul

    They used to take me high, until the heavens sent a plant down to give everybody else wings.
  5. Icarus Haul

    Hello I am Icarus Haul

    Nice to meet you all again. I will be soon starting various grow journals on my quest to create a strain I can name myself after. ;-)