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  1. S

    How many plants under a 400w mh

    Really a 600 will only cover 4x4 I was hoping to here a little higher number there lol what would someone use to cover a 4x8 table 2 600s or one on a track then?
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    How many plants under a 400w mh

    Well thanks a lot guys for the info I'm thinking a 600 and SOG after reading some of your posts then maybe adding to it if the first crop turns out. Will a 600 cover a 6x6 area? And this is going to be my stupidest question so far but how high should the 600w mh be? i read somewhere 24" that...
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    How many plants under a 400w mh

    Sorry i ment scrog not sog thought they were kinda the same lol. anyway room is as big as i want it to be 10'x10'x10' if i want havent started to build it yet. Clones are no problem ill have a box with 3-5 mothers under cfl's going so what i ment to ask in the first place is do a SOG? or a...
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    How many plants under a 400w mh

    Hi all just a quick question i have never tried growing indoor ive been reading alot about it everyone seems to be growing 3,4,5 under a 400 and doing a sea of green but your veg will be longer to train the plants right? could i just put like 30 clones in 8" pots and go for 1 nice bud on each or...
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    Canadian Outdoor Growers Unite!

    Well i haven't read this hole post but here are a couple good tips for corn guys! ppl in planes are the worst thing out there i see a couple a week around my place all they do is go corn field to corn field and if u got a big crop in the middle then don't count on it at the end of the year...
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    420, what does it mean?

    the first time i heard it was in high school it's what time my buddys would get off the bus so it was time to burn one that was in 1995 or 1996 i don't think i means anything just time to get high :)
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    Can anyone tell me if i can order seeds for nirvana and get them sent to canada and is it legal to do this?