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  1. T

    CO2/Humidifier ??

    probly work. just make sure the humidfier is above the plants
  2. T

    Pick And Mix Seeds

    they could take up to a month. if u dont get em try attitude seed bank
  3. T

    250watt cfl grow just ended.

    uh sorry to burst ur bubble but ur probly only gunna end up w 2 zips.
  4. T

    2nd time grower let me know what you think any tips etc

    heres a tip. they look good, so dont over feed. sometimes the plant is most happiest then it gets to much.
  5. T

    i wish life had cheat codes

    heres a cheat code for u. Want what u already have:?:leaf:
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    really really bad panic attack last time i smoked

    panics attacks r mental i say smoke more weed.
  7. T

    Whats for dinner? my girlfriends....

    any one else have pussy for dinner?
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    Exhale Co2 Bags?

    open a window and get a window fan. the best co2 is free and unlimited!!!
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    Big Buddah Blue Chesse First Hydro Grow in Mothership

    if there green there mean.
  10. T

    How many plants can be grown under a 400w hps light?

    4. was just gunna say that but u need to type 11 fn letters.
  11. T

    Bout to harvest. Is this right?

    look nice man. cut ur light dwn to 8 or 10 hours. u mite need 2 weeks. wait till ur stigmas have completly withered on the bud.
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    feeding compost tea in coco coir?

    wouldnts recomend straight compost for hydro. need some salt ferts
  13. T

    Plzzzz..need advise on a grow room

    ya keep this shit low key. legal or not u still have thiefs. and do the work urself. dont babysit. ur plants are ur babies from conception to harvest. soil is key add a drip system to make it even better. research LED lights. saw some 600 watters on ebay. fn tight. save u big $$ on electricity.
  14. T

    How much weed do you smoke on average, daily?

    ya that third day is a tuff one. just stay strong you'll get through it and before u know it ur a stoner like all the rest.
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    Complete newbie with some questions

    get a book mate!!!
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    white powder on leafs

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    5 wks flowering pics

    buds look great u must be doin somethin right.
  18. T

    ph problems ??? overfet ??? **pics** **details**

    yes over fert. using hot soil u should fert 3 times during flowring if that.
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    Quick Question

    uhhh yaaaa mite want getta book mate.
  20. T

    Closet setup with LED UFO

    density is what ull lack