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  1. Sparko

    Smoke With Me!!!

    What's up with the corn cob? My uncle smokes his herb through a corn cob too. And I like the 38.
  2. Sparko

    Lets all pick a day!

    That's a good idea. Wait till Bush is gone for 2 weeks- then do it. Obama should hopefully be like, "Oh shit, that's not legal yet?" If not we take Jack Black's advice and start a fucking riot! April 20th is the obvious day. I'll read Mein Kampf and see if that's a good time or not...
  3. Sparko

    Growing In a Small Closet

    I have a very small closet and use a 400watt interchangeable also. I just got a cool tube. But before then I took the door off put up curtain rods and hung a blanket controling the temprature from my light with the existing occilation fan and moving the height of the blanket up and down on the...
  4. Sparko

    Wooden Pickle Strain... monster plants...

    I've heard of it. Something about being developed by the KGB durring the cold war? Spread through europe via prostitutes in the later 80's.
  5. Sparko

    getting busted !!

    In my apartment the electricity is included in my rent. My landlord sees the electricity usage per apartment on a graph. I already have a 400watt MH & 400Watt HPS but haven't started using them because of this. So I'm growing a few pathetic plants under a 60 grow light right now. You guys...