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  1. C

    . . . . . . . Those do not look good . . . . . . .
  2. C

    Well I personally had no experience, and I decided to do a soil grow. It was tedious, slow, and...

    Well I personally had no experience, and I decided to do a soil grow. It was tedious, slow, and I didn't like the mess soil made. I strongly suggest hydro, because its cheaper than people think and it works WONDERS! You could probably spend under 50 dollars to set up a hydro system ( just for...
  3. C

    most efficient/strongest way to smoke?

    30 a week? You must be: Supported by someone else underage or asian!
  4. C

    2-plant 4.25g hydro setup

    soil hasn't been forgiving for me, haha. I think i'd personally do better with hydro. Here's a tip that helped me by the way. If you haven't started growing yet, don't. Save your money before you start growing for the shit you need. Then you won't be like me fucking trying to scrounge shit up.
  5. C

    2-plant 4.25g hydro setup

    Oh? DO tell =)
  6. C

    2-plant 4.25g hydro setup

    So despite the fact that I transplanted it, the plant seems to be doing quite well. No yellowing or leaf drooping, (more than what I already had, of course).
  7. C

    2-plant 4.25g hydro setup

    haha so you typed what you said? And your welcome.
  8. C

    2-plant 4.25g hydro setup

    why are you talking to another grower on my post? Haha I looked through mine and couldn't find his name, so it perplexed me lol.
  9. C

    2-plant 4.25g hydro setup

    Im going to try an outdoor grow this year. I have a tiny patch of land next to a river I found (also next to a water treatment place) that's all fenced off and wooded. I'm just goin to take 4 clones and POP them in the dirt and see how they go.
  10. C

    2-plant 4.25g hydro setup

    Lol how so? Like, opposed to MH and HPS? Well, I guess if you thought about it, since HPS and MH take more electricity, it takes more fuel to burn somewhere down the road.
  11. C

    2-plant 4.25g hydro setup

    oh yeah, egg shells and coffee grounds. Coffee grounds have TONS of nitrogen =) Edit: potassium too I guess
  12. C

    2-plant 4.25g hydro setup

    And I threw in some used coffee grounds for measure. Haha.
  13. C

    2-plant 4.25g hydro setup

    no, 'fraid I haven't heard of him. Link to one of his posts? Also, teeny update. I transplanted the little one to a new pot with better soil. The soil s/he was in was becoming crystally and like rock candy almost. So I can't wait for the next few days while he/she droops :(
  14. C

    2-plant 4.25g hydro setup

    East coast US.
  15. C

    2-plant 4.25g hydro setup

    Nah, no carbon filter. No smell yet from this one, but from my other grows it was so pleasant. Where are you from?
  16. C

    2-plant 4.25g hydro setup

    I like the smell it gives my room. Its like a candle burning or an air freshener, but natural. haha.
  17. C

    2-plant 4.25g hydro setup

    I wouldn't doubt deficiancy, this soil I got is probably the worst you could get. I bought what should be mixed into normal soil, and the plants just chillin' in it. Its uh, I guess you mix it with your garden soil to provide blablabla. But it worked well in the beginning. Just need it to be...
  18. C

    2-plant 4.25g hydro setup

    Bahahahah. Well, now that you mention it, I grow so that Dark Side Of The Moon takes me on a space ship every time I put it in =)
  19. C

    2-plant 4.25g hydro setup

    All of my fan leaves (not the new ones growing) seem to be getting lighter, the whole leaf though. And the veins are all red. Its. . . . . HUMAN!! Nah, whats wrong? haha.
  20. C

    2-plant 4.25g hydro setup

    I already topped that little one. No LST for me, i'm hoping I can fill up the cabinet with it =) I'm growing for emotional stability. Pot keeps me in the norm. Better than anti-depressants and xanax!