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  1. I

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    Would this be good?|1948257772
  2. I

    help with choosing cheap and right cfl bulb for 1-2 plants! would this be good?
  3. I

    help with choosing cheap and right cfl bulb for 1-2 plants!

    thanks guys! could you please either send me some links from ebay or online to get me started, my wiring and electrical skills aren't to flash so i wouldn't want to make a fire hazard or anything. just something simple enough a beginner could do! thanks i really appreciate it !
  4. I

    help with choosing cheap and right cfl bulb for 1-2 plants!

    i live in australia by the way
  5. I

    help with choosing cheap and right cfl bulb for 1-2 plants!

    hey guys, could someone please with more knowledge (pretty much everyone) help me with finding out the right cfl bulb ( off ebay or online ) and a cord that i could plug into the wall then into the light, something like this...
  6. I

    Needs help! with everything!

    thanks for your time! can you please suggest a cfl bulb on ebay? and also, a plug for the cfl so i can plug straigh into the mains? i live in australia btw
  7. I

    Needs help! with everything!

    Hey guys! I was thinking recently that i may wish to par-take in indoor growing. as you all can tell, i have very little knowledge, and i enjoy the plant, would the LED above be able to grow 1 single plant in a small, fan...