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  1. Adam@AC

    So here's the deal...

    I highly suggest using coconut oil (I use omega nutrition's brand from superstore, doesn't have coconut taste) and Google about adding soy lechithin. Makes the cannabos more bio available. Effect come on faster and stronger from my experiance.
  2. Adam@AC

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    Yeah i agree it's a little suspicious. From my understanding the licenses are given in a 3 part series. License to build, license to grow, license to sell.
  3. Adam@AC

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    There are 15-20 additional LP's who have licenses to grow but not sell yet. They don't get listed until their crops are ready for sale.
  4. Adam@AC

    Shooting at parlaiment hall

    I'd appreciate if you could share your source for that claim. All reports out have stated no more than 20-30,000 members. Even if somehow the US were able to kill every single member, which isnt possible, they still lose. Let’s see: they've spent billions of borrowed dollars on security...
  5. Adam@AC

    Shooting at parlaiment hall

    The only thing they should do is pull out completely. Right now. There are substantial sized armies surrounding ISIS at the moment, Kurds, Iraqi's and the Saudi's who don't want ISIS around. ISIS is 20-30 thousand 20 year old guys. They are teenage lunatics basically, that's the core of them...
  6. Adam@AC

    Shooting at parlaiment hall

    You actually believe Canada hasnt been involved in a combat role in the middle east? It is always stunning when a country that has brought violence and military force to numerous countries acts shocked and bewildered when someone brings a tiny fraction of that violence back to that country...
  7. Adam@AC

    Shooting at parlaiment hall

    History defines the present. Actions of our country and allies are very relevant and have consequences. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. Perpetual war.
  8. Adam@AC

    Shooting at parlaiment hall

    Exactly. A rough estimate of 30,000 "extremists" among the 250 million civilians in the middle east.
  9. Adam@AC

    Shooting at parlaiment hall

    We have been the lap dog of the US for a long time. There have been multiple incidents of Canadian military killing civilians/ complicity in torture. A Google search will bring up multiple results. The bottom line is by supporting US foreign policy Canada puts itself in harms way.
  10. Adam@AC

    Shooting at parlaiment hall

    Another poor rebuttal. Mosques don't steal your resources, stage coup's against sitting governments so western powers get their way, kill a million innocent civilians. The US military on the other hand does. Educate yourself on the situation. Don't mimic the talking heads on the "news".
  11. Adam@AC

    Shooting at parlaiment hall

    You seem to be missing the point. They are doing this because of what we have assisted the US in doing for the last 50 years in their countries. It's called blowback.
  12. Adam@AC

    Shooting at parlaiment hall

    Lol what a poor rebutle, you should read up on logical fallacies and realize how ridiculous your statement is.
  13. Adam@AC

    Shooting at parlaiment hall

    It seems a lot of people are unaware of the millions of innocent people that have been killed and displaced by the US war on terror. This is inexcusable, 9/11 was an attack on the US by Saudis. Not Iraqis, Afghans, Yemenese or Syrians. The 2000 people killed on 9/11 are a direct result of...
  14. Adam@AC

    Shooting at parlaiment hall

    You should really study the history of the region for the last 60 years. The US and its allies are to blame for the rise of Islamic State (Isis) militants because of the history of imperialism in the region and previous western interventions, such as the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Western...
  15. Adam@AC

    Shooting at parlaiment hall

    It never fails to amaze me how many cowards will shriek about terrorists, have no issue sending armies to kill people in other countries (as long as they don't have to go fight themselves) and then have no issue with the fact that terrorists (aka criminals) kill a tiny fraction of people while...
  16. Adam@AC

    L.E.D. Lighting and potency

    I came across a Chinese manufacturer a couple years ago through another forum and have been using their products since. They just keep getting better and better. I'll never go back to mh or hps. I really believe the additional spectrums coming from the LED's allow the plant to really thrive...
  17. Adam@AC

    Access to extracts

    New ruling today:
  18. Adam@AC

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    Thanks for the info.
  19. Adam@AC

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    This was discussed over the phone at the end march, without it in writing I understand it doesn't mean squat. I'll try to get something in writing and let you know.
  20. Adam@AC

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    My company is going on 18 weeks since our application was submitted. Sent them a few updates/corrections 7 weeks ago. No updates since then :/ Paying rent on an empty building is just lovely.... I can only play so much ball hockey inside ;) Best of luck to any other potential lp's!