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  1. dtchmstr420

    Computer Fan

    yes, anytime anybody disagrees with me, i do research (the same thing you did in school to be qualified enough to do what you claim you do) to find out if im right or wrong... if i was wrong i would have been humble enough to correct myself, i dont pretend to own any knowledge... considering...
  2. dtchmstr420

    Computer Fan

    the current in a A/C circuit is constantly changin, it changes 60 times a second, thats why in a A/C circuit theyre called a hot and a neutral, besides the fact that HE IS WRONG because hes trying to say that ohms is voltage, and ohms really had nothin to do with this conversation, so now he is...
  3. dtchmstr420

    Computer Fan

    no its not i do residential construction AC is alternating current.... its alternating from one to another... once you get past the charger its DC and has a positive and a negitive terminal... u can move electricity a lot farther and more efficiantly with an alternating current, still voltage is...
  4. dtchmstr420

    Computer Fan

    ooh ya uve confirmed that have you? why dont you show me how you came about that, because if its just your to big of a moran to understand what i said, it doesint make me wrong, u understand the concept? understanding a concept, doesint mean you have any knowledge of voltage or current, which im...
  5. dtchmstr420

    Computer Fan

    and the diffrence in electricity between to points insint between the positive and negitive terminals bcuz there is no positive and negitive terminals in an AC system, its not a car battery, theres a hot n a neutral u fuckin moran
  6. dtchmstr420

    Computer Fan

    i actually did sum readin, thats an analogy i got on, comparably the same thing to water pipes and voltage isint the diffrence of electrical protential between two points, thats the resistence (ohms) and amps (current) the flow of electricity, how much electricity, the volume...
  7. dtchmstr420

    Computer Fan

    ya ive been kind of in a bad situation, but i have tons of phone chargers n processor fans layin around, im sure 12v would b better, but im workn with wat i got
  8. dtchmstr420

    Cfl Proximity To Foliage

    i think i read on here that u only want bulbs around 2700k for flowering, i once read that the plant uses sum of the spectrum for vegin (6500k) in the buddin stage, so it would b better to have sum veg bulbs durin budin, or is it just a waste when i could have a 2700k bulb there? if ne body...
  9. dtchmstr420

    My Little Garden Of WeEden

    try a cpl baby gates for ur cat problem, they make diffrent size ones, i also beleive i read somethin about u gettin a vaporizer, i did for my first grow to, its actually better to keep the humidity down, but other then that it looks great, im doin my first grow with spiral CFLs, how are you...
  10. dtchmstr420

    Fuck fuck fuck!

    what is so disrespectful about growin a lil pot? build urself a stealth box, computer case, sub box etc, use the DIY carbon filter, and nobody will be the wiser, if somebody is snoopin thru ur shit, then theyre not in much of a position to bitch about u disrespectin them it does not really...
  11. dtchmstr420


    thanks boneman
  12. dtchmstr420

    Fuck fuck fuck!

    plausable deniability, besides the fact that if u got caught growin in a computer case, chances are the cops will just snap them anyway, the cops have snaped both mine, and my brothers plants when we were younger, but that all depends on where u live i guess, but i highly dawt they are goin to...
  13. dtchmstr420


  14. dtchmstr420

    Computer Fan

    n im not urgin ne body to cut corners, i was simply statin that u can use most cell adaptors to wire your fan, its not cutin any corners, its the same diffrence as hookin it up 2 a 12v adaptor... u do it the same exact way... and obviously it will not be as powerful and for that 110v fan, this...
  15. dtchmstr420

    Computer Fan

    its loud enough to be heard with 7v...
  16. dtchmstr420

    Computer Fan

    thats awesome but i dont have 15 dollars, im goin to get a nick bag fronted to me right now lol, my finances are kinda fuckd up latley, and the fan still puttin out like 15 CFM, thus changin all the air in my box more often then once a minute... not tryin to sound like an asshole or w.e i just...
  17. dtchmstr420

    Ladie Growers/Tokers out there?!!

    haha idk much about scotland but i cant imagine it bein much worse then the USA, the only thing ive found good here is i dun have to worry about thermal imaging, our supreme court voted it to be equal to a search needin a warrent, and a tip isisnt enough to get a warrent
  18. dtchmstr420

    Computer Fan

    a 7v fan puts out like 40 percent more then a 5v fan, thats 40 percent louder aswell, besides the fact u were sayin to use a 12v adaptor in the begining, and no u said that it wouldnt work, that it would overheat, most cell chargers are to "puny" n blah blah blah, u wanted to keep assuring me u...
  19. dtchmstr420

    Ladie Growers/Tokers out there?!!

    ya im done jackin ur thread ladies, the withdrawls are leavn me an emotional mess lol
  20. dtchmstr420

    Ladie Growers/Tokers out there?!!

    the thing about the hero just made my heart melt lol shes doin real good shes like 11 months n all caught up for her age mentally n physically but thanks i really appreciate all that, n im tryin to get on my feet, i have to get my licence back b4 ne thin cuz of were im livin, but i figure a lil...