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  1. B

    Help plz w. Flowering nutes

    Hi, I have two plants approx. 8 weeks from seed and beginning the flowering cycle. 31" and 29". I made a mixture of 1 gallon mineral water, 1 tbsp. miracle grow, 1 3/4 tbsp. pure cane sugar. Will these be and effective plant food for my flowering cycle or is it overload? Also with my plants the...
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    Plant food for flowering stage? Will this work?

    Hi, I have two plants approx. 8 weeks from seed and beginning the flowering cycle. 31" and 29". I made a mixture of 1 gallon mineral water, 1 tbsp. miracle grow, 1 3/4 tbsp. pure cane sugar. Will these be and effective plant food for my flowering cycle or is it overload? Also with my plants the...
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    Flowering Plant Food? Will this work?

    Hi, I have two plants approx. 8 weeks from seed and beginning the flowering cycle. 31" and 29". I made a mixture of 1 gallon mineral water, 1 tbsp. miracle grow, 1 3/4 tbsp. pure cane sugar. Will these be and effective plant food for my flowering cycle or is it overload? Also with my...
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    Need Good Nutes and suggestions

    Look up FoxFarm Products.
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    Determining Sex, Few more q's Got pics

    Judging by my pictures, and the information I've given what's a range of time I should look for my plants to flower?
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    what stage am i in?

    Looks like you're between pre-flowering and flowering. How far along are you from seed and is it indoor/outdoor?
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    Determining Sex, Few more q's Got pics

    It's cool thanks anyway man. They look like potentially good crops? Truth be told I think they are just bag seed. I had good seeds set aside but I grew 8 and forgot which seeds were which, and those are my only two left.
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    Determining Sex, Few more q's Got pics

    So obviously I'm a newb grower, but anyway here's the information I can give you, hopefully it's enough to get decent advice. I have two plants this season one is 26" the other 24". I'd say they're 6-7 weeks old. I'm growing outdoor so I can't manipulate it's cycles so naturally sexing has...
  9. B

    Late start Q's and more.

    Okay.. Where to start? So I've never grown before. I currently have two plants about 2 1/2 Weeks old. They are about a 12"-16" tall and have about 4 nodes with a fifth starting at the bottom of each and seem to be growing at the same rate. I realize that I planted them very late, I am curious as...
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    Questions specific to my first grow. Please Help

    Okay.. Where to start? So I've never grown before. I currently have two plants about 2 1/2 Weeks old. They are about a 12"-16" tall and have about 4 nodes with a fifth starting at the bottom of each and seem to be growing at the same rate. I realize that I planted them very late, I am curious as...
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    Newb Grower, Couple Q's. Help Appreciated.

    Okay.. Where to start? So I've never grown before. I currently have two plants about 2 1/2 Weeks old. They are about a 12"-16" tall and have about 4 nodes with a fifth starting at the bottom of each and seem to be growing at the same rate. I realize that I planted them very late, I am...
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    Traveling with weed...

    I just bought an air tight aerosol stash can, How well can that guard the smell from the canine, or is that an easy feat for it?
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    Cracking down on So Cal drugs

    By Medical Records, are you referring to that of a physical or mental nature. And as far as Mental Medical Records, I have been prescribed to at least 7 different medications. Thank you by the way.
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    Cracking down on So Cal drugs

    Hypothetical Situation: Say i'm moving to Carlsbad soon, I have no real medical history besides rage, anxiety, narcissism, mild ocd, unipolar. (<- actually sounds like a lot now that I look at it, but nothing really concrete) 1. Is it possible to get a card in the Carlsbad area? 2. Are any of...
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    gravity vortex

    A friend of mine has a gravity bong that was advertised in High Times a while back called The Gravitron, is this supposed to be the same idea?
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    I have a vaporizer; a small, shitty, wooden, hot box, but no doubt it's a vaporizer. It's cool for the most part when you have a sweet dank bud, the flavor is phenomenal and I'd say the high for me is one of my more alert ones. I'd give it a 6 on a scale from 1 - 10, Illys being my favorite...
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    Need Help, Just possibly smoked mildewed or moldy bud!!

    Haha, Thanks a lot for answering me, I appreciate it. I doubted I was going to get a reply since I'm a newbie here. Anywho, The shortness of breath is subsiding a bit. I took three Tylenol 3's w/ codeine to make me lax so that's probably helping. I'm definately going to follow your advice...
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    Need Help, Just possibly smoked mildewed or moldy bud!!

    Can someone please give me a courtesy reply since it's 4:20 EST? I'm really paranoid about this dilemma and on a more serious note, it's blowing my last high before I hit the sack. I would be much obliged if someone shed some light.
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    Need Help, Just possibly smoked mildewed or moldy bud!!

    So I have been smoking this so called kine bud that my buddy picked up for about three days now. The first couple of times I smoked it(Monday and Yesterday) I hadn't noticed anything wrong with it, I was just a bit skeptical, due to its strange nature. The kine bud I'm use to seeing is very...