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  1. S

    NFT drowned roots/ early transplanting. Advice on best ways to remedy the situation.

    Hi to all, any advice is gratefully received. Skunk Doc I have followed your method to the point that they are now in a 4" cube with roots coming out the bottom of the cube. On around 10% of the cubes the tap roots are about 1" long. Can I keep growing the cubes like this or do I have to put...
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    NFT drowned roots/ early transplanting. Advice on best ways to remedy the situation.

    Skunk D0c and Scarlet 420 thanks a lot I really appreciate you taking the time to share your knowledge. Had a look through your grow journal Skunkd0c great looking grow. I've definitely got a nute lockout in the trays that are fed from one of the reservoirs as the E.C. is rising in that res...
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    NFT drowned roots/ early transplanting. Advice on best ways to remedy the situation.

    SkunkD0c Plants look great with 4 weeks left. You are not running any aeration other than the nutes falling off the tray into the res is that right? Are you using Rockwool cubes cuttings from 1' to 3'/4' before transplanting? Do you have any advice on how best to go through the different...
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    NFT drowned roots/ early transplanting. Advice on best ways to remedy the situation.

    Thanks for the advice Scarlet your plants look happy. Can I ask you how many stems per m2 you've got and under what bulb (600w/1000w)? I'm asking because it looks like a nice setup
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    NFT drowned roots/ early transplanting. Advice on best ways to remedy the situation.

    I think the whole scenario looks like a case of better luck next time. PetFlora I have been considering to switching to some kind of bucket bubbler system for some time. I cant check the air pump capacity right now as they are sleeping but my res is 800L. Mr Ganja I agree that you can run...
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    NFT drowned roots/ early transplanting. Advice on best ways to remedy the situation.

    Pretty sure the brown is nute stain. I cant see any slime. The roots seem to be growing well to the edge of the 4" rockwell cubes but not out of the cubes and onto the NFT spreader mat except the odd tap root. They look happier since I've put the nute pump onto 15 on/15 off but still not...
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    NFT drowned roots/ early transplanting. Advice on best ways to remedy the situation.

    I Will have a look and let you know. Can not look at them untill the lights switch again. Thanks buddy.
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    NFT drowned roots/ early transplanting. Advice on best ways to remedy the situation.

    Hello I have been on and off RIU for 5 years but never posted before only read. Used to use soil on Autopots switched to NFT had some good and some bad results. I have Cheese growing in a 6ft NFT trays with two HPS lights above each tray. I had cuttings in 1' rockwell cubes transplanted...