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  1. $toned che$$

    Medi legalization in AZ

    I'm probably gonna get some seeds & have a sweet grow closet regardless of what these lawmaker-fags tell us. If I wanna sell to a dispensary I can use a friend's adress who is in a location that's legal to grow, I guess. idk how all that shiit works. All I kno is I'm not movin to the middle of...
  2. $toned che$$

    Medi legalization in AZ

    Gloooory gloooory haleluuja If y'all haven't heard or dnt live in AZ, we WON BY 4,300 VOTES! Check it my fellow supporters The change of laws...
  3. $toned che$$

    Can't Wait Harvest *Drool*

    Oh right! Actually it's probably all gonna be for personal use anyway, me & the other 2 kids that live at the house are complete potheads. I want the final weigh in amount sooo bad xD xD xD Damn I'm a fiend :-/
  4. $toned che$$

    Can't Wait Harvest *Drool*

    the buds are starting to get a firm dryness cuz the plant's dying off, but it's got an almost chron-like lightness. i swear we're gonna rip off some dumb high school kids with this shit, it looks pretty good xD
  5. $toned che$$

    Could You Survive A Zombie Outbreak?

    lol lucid dreaming. Easier said than done, I've only been lucky enough to do that a few times, but mostly as a kid
  6. $toned che$$

    Can't Wait Harvest *Drool*

    si monnnn :-D
  7. $toned che$$

    Can't Wait Harvest *Drool*

    One of the plants took a turn for the worse and had to be cut down :-/ The other one has some sturdy buds but the plant is turning yellow & becoming very weak, homeboy said all the energy from the plant is being transferred to the buds...... :-D the main spear broke off but I can't wait to...
  8. $toned che$$

    Could You Survive A Zombie Outbreak?

    If a large amount of the population was infected with rabies or some similar disease that would cause insanity & unprovoked attacks on basically anything that moves? I think it really depends on where you are when it hits, how soon you find out, if you're near weapons (and if you are...
  9. $toned che$$

    Medi legalization in AZ

    My friend did some work in the polls, she says that last she knew, Maricopa county was 49.5% in favor, 50.5% not in favor. She said almost all of the Maricopa ballots had been counted (and I think only Maricopa is voting on this one). In short, it's a close race but we probably won't know the...
  10. $toned che$$

    Medi legalization in AZ

    No way, your family lives in the same area as me & some of my family, aka mesa, chandler, gilbert, etc. What a trip Oh don't get me wrong dude, I can find freelance-grown chron from any one of like 50 friends for half the price of the medi shit (even though it's usually not quite the grade you...
  11. $toned che$$

    Can't Wait Harvest *Drool*

    lol. I've heard both of those before but I'm pretty sure I've never used them. Not much of an "expressions" guy, my grandma constantly overuses & kills all expressions. She even uses expressions when they don't apply... at all xD
  12. $toned che$$

    Can't Wait Harvest *Drool*

    No I'm right there with you Chunky. I haven't shown anyone, it was completely their doing; I take no responsibility if it gets nabbed. We kinda have watch dogs that bark at anything on the property and we keep a pretty good eye on our crop. Still, I don't feel safe about it when we're at work or...
  13. $toned che$$

    Can't Wait Harvest *Drool*

    Anything surrounded by asterisks is an action *glare*
  14. $toned che$$

    Can't Wait Harvest *Drool*

    lol seriously... every digi cam I own ends up breaking in some morbid and unusual way, untimely for how much I pay for them too :-/ And it's a shame cuz I've never gotten plants even close to this stage. I'll find a way to get some pics up, this porn is way too lucious not to :-D Aight I'll...
  15. $toned che$$

    Medi legalization in AZ

    Damn, I hope you're right. It also looks like you've put more thought/research into it than I have, kudos on that front. All I know is I'm definitely hitting up the polls on this one
  16. $toned che$$

    I made a cannabis comic.

    Great cartoons, Puffer Fish! lol those are very well done, you should publish them in Amsterdam Weekly (if it exists)
  17. $toned che$$

    The Ultimate Odour Control Thread

    Outdoor odor control is basically a waste, but my friend's mom smelled our plants from about 80 feet away, which worries me because our neigbor's wall is about 6 feet from our plants, which are almost visible over it. There is more reason than a simpleton's impatience to harvest early.
  18. $toned che$$

    I made a cannabis comic.

    lol. Good summary of bud smoking
  19. $toned che$$

    So who Likes Taking Women from Behind Better than any other Position?

    If you take it easy on her. Take her for too hard of a ride & you'll loose your beer. But I guess then you'd have something like a cross between a wet t-shirt party and a body shot fest. And girls are somehow hotter when wet (Especially Jessica Alba)
  20. $toned che$$

    Medi legalization in AZ

    Yea, too many damn conservatives/Reefer Madness-era people who have been brainwashed against herb. You're probably right, but hope is hard to kill. There are countless smokers & the prop will be on the ballot this year. It's getting quite a bit of buzz. I'll be really suprised if it passes...