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  1. G

    Whats the most amount and the least amount of bud you ever got from 1 plant?

    i'm just wondering whats the most and least you got from a female plant
  2. G

    how much bud do plants normally produce?

    I know to kill them if they are males....but how much bud do plants indoor normally produce?
  3. G

    how much bud do plants normally produce?

    I am growing two plants not sure if they are male or female yet but if both end up being males and grow normally and everything is good how much bud should i get? btw i do not know the strain
  4. G

    Is it ok to use extremely low in strength light bulbs?

    it was like 56 w regular but 100 w flourescent
  5. G

    Is it ok to use extremely low in strength light bulbs?

    Ok so i am growing for the first time and so far i have been germinating for 3 days and the shells have only cracked but thats not my question... So i bought these light bulbs that are 100 w is that going to be enoguh light to get my seeds to a big plant? thanks