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  1. Violent Haze

    alot of 1 fingered leaves

    sounds exactlly like the one i had it only got about 1.5' tall hmmm weird. well good luck
  2. Violent Haze

    alot of 1 fingered leaves

    ohnestly i wish there was a strain that grew like that. Outside if walked by that thing you wouldn't even take a second look lol. At least my whole crop would stick around. Another thing i found that it was preety lanky with lots of space between each node. not sure if yours is like that?
  3. Violent Haze

    alot of 1 fingered leaves

    i had the same thing happen to a oakland cross i think it was just a bad pheno type. It still budded. Id let it grow out if thats all you got, and its a descent size so go with it and see what happens.
  4. Violent Haze

    New growth on dead plant!!!

    lol that plant is sweet love the fact that its been topped so early should be a descent plant if you veg it long enough
  5. Violent Haze

    fdd's starting early ----- Outdoor '08

    My bad FDD didn't see you had 4 plants left.
  6. Violent Haze

    Harvest Time- 08

    Thats what im sayin how can your weed be better if everyone has the possibillity to get the same seeds and supplies. Whatever some people are just retarted.
  7. Violent Haze

    Harvest Time- 08

    I was just reading this thread and noticed a fellow canadaian talkin shit on here it makes me sad to people like him given my home a bad name. I got much love for any grower out there, everyone on RIU is here for the same reason why would go burnin your own people. Anyways felt i had to say...
  8. Violent Haze

    fdd's starting early ----- Outdoor '08

    whats your final weight?
  9. Violent Haze

    Desperate need of answers for sick plants.

    pics are always helpful but if were hearin you right and your only giving them a 30 min cycle/day then they are in desperate need of water. and or the mold has gone too far and is slowly killing them
  10. Violent Haze

    Grow Update, Thoughts Wanted

    Dude im so sorry to hear that. I had an 8 footer back home that i lost sleep over cause i was so nervous. i got lucky tho. The best thing you can do is cut your losses be happy that you got something. But i know how you feel if i ever caught one of those fuckers im scared i wouldn't be able to...
  11. Violent Haze

    Grow Update, Thoughts Wanted

    looking very nice what strain?
  12. Violent Haze

    nikon 40d iso experiment

    I have a 40 DX awsome camera try turning on your white balance and if possible no flash. it will get rid of the shadow and give it more natural colour
  13. Violent Haze

    4 footer ay 4 weeks grow..

    Any idea what strain it is? I grew one that looked very similar this summer it got to be 8 ft. i think it was some sort of haze.
  14. Violent Haze


    Has anyone ever heard of a strain called oakland i cant find any info on it but i know someone that grew some and gave me some to test. It smells soo sweet almost perfume like! and when i busted it in my coffe grinder it leaves a dark brown almost gold crystal behid and when put togeather its...
  15. Violent Haze

    Alaskan Ice Bubbleponics 400W Grow

    yea looks great how high is your water level right now
  16. Violent Haze

    bubbleponics help

    ohnestly i came here to find some info to help me out on my own grow but all i found was a retarted argument thanx guys
  17. Violent Haze

    19 daY ppp ANY ADVICE?

    well chances are the one on the left is the one you have been overwatering and has been slowed down and the one on the right has just grown a little bit faster. You really need to get more juice in there get some 40 w cool white bulbs you can get them at almost any hardware store
  18. Violent Haze

    Stupid clones..,.

    and you gotta mist those leaves cause there not getting any intake other then whatever the leaves are absorbing
  19. Violent Haze

    Hazey intro.... lol

    why thank you lol
  20. Violent Haze

    Hazey intro.... lol

    Hi everyone im a 20 year old grower/toker out of canada. I have done 2 outdoor grows now and will probablly be starting a indoor thread on a bubbler soon. i currently have a old plant that nearly died outdoors and has been brought to life i recently moved it from soil to a homemade bubbler made...