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  1. R

    Is It Cheesy Enough??

    10-14 days, but that's just my 2 cents. Looks like they may fatten up a bit yet.'s tough to tell much from that pic.
  2. R

    Bubblegum day many more days????

    I'd pull! There's no way I'd be able to wait any longer! Haha, although I'm too impatient every time. But yeah, the trichs never lie. Great looking grow, mate
  3. R

    Lets see your WONDER WOMAN Bud Pics!!!

    hey folks...I just put two wonder woman seeds in the dirt 2 days ago. 2 plants, 400w hps, 4'x4' grow space. Should sprout any time now. I won't have bud pictures for awhile, but I'll be starting a log when they break ground! I'll also keep an eye on this thread. I've never grown this strain but...
  4. R

    Early (unfortunate) harvest...

    Wow, thanks for the quick response and good advice. Yeah, I've been flushing 10 days in anticipation that today would be my last day before harvest. I hope that's enough. I never thought to remove the bigger stems and branches for a quicker dry, but it makes sense now that you say it. I'll have...
  5. R

    Early (unfortunate) harvest...

    Ok people, my first grow needs to come to an end. I'm moving halfway across the country on the 7th so I want to harvest today/tomorrow so I can have them in jars for the move. However, I know they're not ready. When I started, I thought for sure they'd be done by this time, but they've grown a...
  6. R

    312w, CFL's, 4 plants, TV Cab growbox: GrowJournal.

    VERY FAST grow, man. I'm very jealous! Keep us updated, and good luck!