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  1. G

    WW Big leaf problem. PLEASE help. PICS

    you can get plenty of nitrogen naturally from soaking egg shells in water, but not to close to bud time or else yur gonna get a sulfur tasting bud lol
  2. G

    My Super Grow Room

    FUCKIN AMAZING!!! Man i wish i could grow again, Oprah fuckin Winfrey gave my town 10 million dollars to get rid of our drug problem (herion) and so far all those basterds have done is knock the Pot dealers/growers. Just all i have to say is you are a fuckin god among growers keep doin what you do.
  3. G

    My Super Grow Room

    wow calling me a nazi is going a little far??? I mean what was i supposed to think after he explained that they were doing raids in his hood, and coincedentally he dissapears. im glad someone has talked to him. I wouldnt wish a bust on my worst enemy. And i appologize for my earlier comment...
  4. G

    Lemon G?

    hell to the no, I got some of the lemon-g not to long ago! Im from ohio, its the fuckin bomb, and trust me its not somethin mainstream, hard as fuck to get and 50 1/8 too much for me to buy regularly. And as for dumpster weed its the fuckin bomb!!!!! I can get as much as i want (within reason)...
  5. G

    My Super Grow Room

    sorry to be the one to say it but i think our friend snoop isnt coming back. I hope im wrong im praying to god im wrong but, I think he may have been caught, we might see him again in 5-10. Till then let god be with him.
  6. G

    $$$$$$$$!!!Best cash cropp!!!!!$$$$$$

    go for some big bud. Im sure youve heard of it huge yields great bud great cash crop
  7. G

    My Super Grow Room

    just got done reading through these posts and ive gotta say you've done an extraordinary job mate! Cant wait to see the end results!