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  1. S

    How to Decriminalize?

    This is how it has to be done in america. Throughout americas history people have done things that risked thier personal liberties, freedom, and life. Growing pot you put all these up for grabs in most states. Yes you can get killed by a can of tear gas hits you in the head. Maybe it will burst...
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    Tennessee Senate Bill 209 & House bill

    Well this is good but what about me. I grew up very poor. My family was proud and could not afford ridolin. They would not get any welfare or any assistance. Therefore I did not take it. Now ridolin does not work for me as an adult. Also I am suffering from anxiety and depression which paxil and...
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    Memory-card information

    When folks post pics of plant disease and bugs, and strains, and all of the things that would take paragraphs to explain.
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    Cannabis Card and jobs

    Random drug screens....hahaha what Bullshit......They do that preying that the f-ups will test positive. Not a damm thing random about it. Was it random that people get randomly tested when sales are down, or the lose a long held account. Maybe look tired, maybe are tired. God its discusting. I...
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    Cannabis Card and jobs

    I love jesus, i like pot......I have to say that first. At my work the religious people are the most useless, then the obese people, then the Affirmative action protected people, and the most useful and careful workers are the potheads.....the funny thing is they think i don't know! hehehe they...
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    In-line fans: Show them who is boss!

    Check out this little piece of ghetto heaven. Cardboard, tape, and fish filters, and a fan. It works so good I pull it out of the grow room to get the smog out the works so good!!!
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    In-line fans: Show them who is boss!

    my heater in my house sounds like a chopper overhead. I am gonna be on prozac before this is all done.
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    AeroGarden Guide

    I figured the AG set up to accually bud would cost $77 over 3 months. Will the yield be good enough to make it worth it for a personal grow? At least a half o per plant?
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    1st Pro200 Grow [bagseed], a few Q's,+ pics

    So thats 300 watts, so thats Kw/ 3 its gonna cost you about...... $1.16 per day veg and about $.60 per day in whatever you yeild will end up costing about $77 in power alone over three months. I wonder if the AG would at least produce a half o of good per plant?
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    2 minute cheap & easy carbon filter (no duct tape)

    Oh yea and some descent box tape too!
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    2 minute cheap & easy carbon filter (no duct tape)

    EVEN CHEEPER AND EVEN EASIER......for small personal Grow! It is a regular, non ocilating fan. Then take a flat pc. of cardboard twice the size of your fans face then fold in half. Then use your own brand of african engineering from here. Remember you will want to be able to change out...
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    AeroGarden Deluxe (1st grow ever)

    Damm I had some lab rat plants least one was definately male....had i not got busted with the nutes I could have done some experiments on whats good for em. and whats not. God I am SUCH A PUSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everyone needs to give me neg REP for being a big puss...
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    I Wanna Try Shrooms!

    Man I got microscopes, plenty of reseach.....died the spores to make more positive ID. I know that the shrooms themselfs may not be poisonous but there may have been something on it that was. The ONLY point I want to express is the need to be careful. Deathcaps are no joke....I accually found...
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    AG first Grow ever Using tips from this site

    Gotta wait till its cool in my wife is far hotter than any plant i ever her puss smells better :) I am assisting a friend now who has my AG. Using the Carbon cycled fish water ( pouring the water in a hospital tank (sanitary) with carbon power filter. Working amazing...
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    Aerogarden Start Experienced People Please Help.

    The healthiest one I had Was accually started in the ag and not a towel.....You don't really need to buy special water. You can get Liquid that takes out clorine and cloramine at the pet store! DO NOT GET ANYTHING WITH A PH BUFFER. It will balance your PH to 7 BAD!!!! You want acidic water...b/w...
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    Aerogarden Start Experienced People Please Help.

    Mine worked awsome till the wifey found it....thought the she was gonna kill me fo real! Damm I miss those little buggers already! The gov should ban catnip and make pot legal! Them cats might get a hold a frying pan and hurt someone on that stuff.....
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    Aerogarden Start Experienced People Please Help.

    Yea, dude has no idea just how much info is on this site, just gotta the way is there any way to delete threads????? Its easy, Just don't play with the plants, touching em.....smoking ciggs around em.....treat them nicely and they will trat u nicely. What model AG do you have??
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    11/21/06 Aerogarden Update w/pics

    What the f it tfhg?
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    2 minute cheap & easy carbon filter (no duct tape)

    Got a Cold Air Intake, 1,000,000 CFL's, 40,000 Watts of HPS, 400 Horsepower air pump, and a Corn Silo. What kinda nutes should I truck In???
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    New to Aerogarden

    Its kinda in the name right....Big BLOOM...after all it is a flower right, a bloom.....don't take it from me i got all the knowledge and no exp. with buds...argggg.