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  1. rawr467

    yellowing spots on bottom fan leaves

    yea i guess i need to switch to something thats not MG based soil next grow to avoid any possible nute issues. i was hoping that with it being a auto lowryder it would use the nutes up faster in the early stages of veg and then be ready for water fed nutes during the month of flowering i sliced...
  2. rawr467

    yellowing spots on bottom fan leaves

    thx for helping! i think the runoff is decent with the amount of perlite that i put in the soil mix. the pH has been around 5.8-6.2 but i will check it again soon after this first flush has dried up just to be sure. i will keep an eye on it and post up more pics if it doesnt look better by...
  3. rawr467

    yellowing spots on bottom fan leaves

    can someone help me with this please? im not sure whats happening to the fan leaves, but I dont want it to continue if I can help it!! i just did my first full soil flush today in hopes that its only a buildup of some sort. if its a N defficiency or anything else please let me know!! :) the...
  4. rawr467

    Miracle Grow Organic Soil?

    i defiantly don't mind giving it another try..but i will be waiting until spring/summer when all the stores restock with a fresh supply. the bags i bought recently this winter from different local retailers were obviously leftover shit bags from the previous growing season. they didnt have any...
  5. rawr467

    Miracle Grow Organic Soil?

    true. but there should only be a few pin head sized holes at the top of them so the contents can breathe..not 1/4" holes big enough for compost to fall out. its unlikely that gnats will be able to fit in the production holes of MG bags..but if it were made of stronger material then it wouldnt be...
  6. rawr467

    Miracle Grow Organic Soil?

    i know what your saying bonghits and i agree. common places such as Lowes toss the bags around like there nothing..i spotted several bags with holes in them at least 1/4inch in size. it only takes a pin sized hole for gnats and other insects to get in. The only thing MG could possibly do is put...
  7. rawr467

    Miracle Grow Organic Soil?

    theres no way in hell it came from my house..when the first thing i did after buying it was opening it when i got home - only to find it infested with fungus gnats! i highly doubt that gnats can infest an entire bag of potting soil in less than 10 beware of stores that keep the...
  8. rawr467

    Miracle Grow Organic Soil?

    i bought a bag a while back..damn shit had fungus gnats all in it. i dumped some out onto a white surface and there was also microscopic larvae along with gnat hatchlings jumping around. i would recommend sterilizing this shit by baking it in the oven around 250-275º for an hour, inside of a tin...