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  1. L

    White berry sog 32x3 plants 3000w ebb n flow

    In the middle of seting up 3 2x4 tables 1800watts .Your set up is looking real nice!!!!!subscribed!
  2. L

    sog in my bsmt

    As soon as i have all my room set up i will start a journal to show my hobby in action. The plan is to harvest every two weeks If you dont mind telling us a little more on your setup,might be helpfull to hear about your plans...:joint: peace ....
  3. L

    First SOG, Topped GrowJournal: BlueBerry

    Pics look amazing ,You mentoin that you will flower them in stages like 8 or 9 at one time, what lite are you using to flower?.Also do you let them get bushy or do you trim any lower branches? subscribed!!!
  4. L

    sog in my bsmt

    SayWord thanks dude 600 it is here we grow .I just got through your grow that is amazing shit ,can wait to see your harvest .On my first grow i had bag seed i ended up with 5 fem out off 9 seed vegged for three month total from seed once they were done got up to 4-5 feet tall only had 400 over...
  5. L

    sog in my bsmt

    I have done a couple of small grows with some ok results, first one in dirt was ok then i tried hydro and i tell you what i am hooked i love all that is involved with it ,so here is the plan to get myself and acouple others what we like witout having to deal with any one to get the goods . In my...