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  1. C

    New NHL season who's fired up?

    the thrashers, my team, are posed to suck, continued suck despite some fucking good talent, 4 lines that continues to be cannibalized. at least i have pot to ease the pain...
  2. C

    Greeting from Georgia, USA

    im in Decatur myself...
  3. C

    Hey from ATL!

    Hola, im new too, from decatur.
  4. C

    What Do You Like To Do When You're High?

    my absolute favorite thing is to watch the 1980s transformer movie and eat a nice big pizza with loads of jalapenos
  5. C

    Why. When You're High?

    when i get high, really high, i just want to kinda spaz out and say "man man man man oh my god i love this man oh shit. i dont have any idea why i want to say a sting of mans, but i know im in a good place when i do