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  1. M

    need help diagnosing leaf problems

    I didn't even notice about the stems being red! :/ i've just check now and every single plant has red stems, and all the leaves are still feeling like a dry paper texture and are either light green or yellow. Any ideas?
  2. M

    need help diagnosing leaf problems

    Here's one with the flash on, although the flash just makes it look much healthier than it really is lol, I'll take a better picture tomorrow in the sunlight
  3. M

    need help diagnosing leaf problems

    Also not sure if its a PH issue, the PH is around 7, but I've been using one of them PH indicator colour chart kits so its not 100% accurate. Is 7 alright?
  4. M

    need help diagnosing leaf problems

    Hey, not changed up the nutes apart from giving them a little revive before to try and give them a bit more calcium, as none of the leaves have ever really been super dark green or strong, but they took to it well. I dont know what the temperature or humidity is, I don't have a thermometer...
  5. M

    need help diagnosing leaf problems

    Hello fellow smokers, I have a problem, the majority of my babies leaves are extremely dry, light green, slightly droopy and some and burned. I have read up on a few different reasons why leaves may go dry, yellow, dry up, or burn. But I am not entirely sure what it is that is wrong, or how to...
  6. M

    is it ok to switch 4 week old cheese plants light cycle from 24/7 to 16/8?

    ah i see... Well thanks a lot for the advice anyway :) I'll post a couple more pics when they're a bit bigger!
  7. M

    is it ok to switch 4 week old cheese plants light cycle from 24/7 to 16/8?

    not really no, occasionally but i think i shall start doing so more often. How much longer should they veg for roughly to get 3-4oz per plant?
  8. M

    is it ok to switch 4 week old cheese plants light cycle from 24/7 to 16/8?

    Thanks for the advice, so how much longer should they be left to veg, the aim is to yield around 3-4oz per plant, and all 4 x 600w lights will be used during flowering :)
  9. M

    is it ok to switch 4 week old cheese plants light cycle from 24/7 to 16/8?

    oh man ive just gone and hung up a 2nd light and then come back to my computer to read that I can veg under 1 light, haha. Ive put up the second one and was going to start the 18/6 light cycle. Will having them under two make a substantial difference or am I just as good putting them back under one?
  10. M

    is it ok to switch 4 week old cheese plants light cycle from 24/7 to 16/8?

    yeh the others will be put up soon, I am going to switch them on to 18/6 from now to try and lower the costs a little. It is costing me 17p per Kwh, so roughly £2.50 per 24 hours per 600w light. At 4 lights thats roughly £10 a day... Do you think I should continue to veg for another few weeks?
  11. M

    is it ok to switch 4 week old cheese plants light cycle from 24/7 to 16/8?

    They're under 1 x 600w bulb at the min, I'd like them under all 4 lights but the electricity is simply far too expensive.
  12. M

    is it ok to switch 4 week old cheese plants light cycle from 24/7 to 16/8?

    space isn't really an issue, ill upload a picture so you can see, and would like to yield around 3oz a plant. how do these look for 4 weeks I really don't know whether they're doing good or not?
  13. M

    is it ok to switch 4 week old cheese plants light cycle from 24/7 to 16/8?

    hahaa, i am little confused... and a little baked... how can I tell if they are auto's or not?
  14. M

    is it ok to switch 4 week old cheese plants light cycle from 24/7 to 16/8?

    Sorry no I meant 18/6 not 16/8... and im not sure about them being auto's, how can I tell? theyre just cuttings from a cheese plant.... So you think switching the light cycle could be a bad idea then?
  15. M

    is it ok to switch 4 week old cheese plants light cycle from 24/7 to 16/8?

    Yeh I thought about that myself AimAim, but as i said I am a beginner to this and wasn't entirely sure what to do... They were planted 30 days ago, from cuttings about 3-4 inches tall, and are now aprox 1.5 feet tall. Was thinking to veg for another 3-4 weeks then flower
  16. M

    is it ok to switch 4 week old cheese plants light cycle from 24/7 to 16/8?

    I'm sorry i'm not familiar with the term auto's, what do you mean? Im a complete beginner at this, this is the first... I heard from someone that your were supposed to leave lights on constant during veg, then 12/12 during flowering. It was until I started reading up online that I found out you...
  17. M

    is it ok to switch 4 week old cheese plants light cycle from 24/7 to 16/8?

    Would it be ok to add an extra light and also switch the light cycle from 24/7 to 16/8 to some cheese plants which are 4 weeks old. The running costs of the light on for 24hrs a day is much more expensive that expected, and especially once an extra light is to be added, will i be ok switching...