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  1. S

    Dab/Wax side effect?

    i kinda agree with that except weed is not touching my anxiety attacks lately and i refuse to take the narcotics that would be prescribed for it if i choice to go with BIG PHARMA
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    Dab/Wax side effect?

    i completely agree with that. even the weed goes untested and people break out with fungal infections from the mold on it. also there are no regulations in how or what it is grown in and after doing alot of research the dangers of the kind of soils it is grown in that the affects it can have on...
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    Dab/Wax side effect?

    wow your rude. im not dabing cause the cool kids are doing it. im trying to find a way to get stoned. when your going through a oz in 5 days and barely feeling like your getting high or relaxed enough to affect my panic attacks i thought it was time to find something in the thc market a little...
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    Dab/Wax side effect?

    i see. ya ill have to read up on it. truthfully i love good old bud the taste the flavor the stickiness of the buds after handling them cant go wrong with that
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    Dab/Wax side effect?

    ill choose to take that as a compliment, im not everyones cup of tee but my life rocks and im happy. so ill be a funny stoner any day thanks buddy
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    Dab/Wax side effect?

    you said i really have to trust the person making it... i got it from a shop... i hope they wouldnt take advantage... and im curious why you say this is there a bad way to make it i really do need to read up on it.
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    Dab/Wax side effect?

    what about um my roommate she had to run to the bathroom after and have a bowl movement? i thought she just had issues with the food she maybe ate but then the next day she dab again and she said it happened again. her boyfriend says that happens to him
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    Dab/Wax side effect?

    Has anyone had a side effect from doing dabs/wax? every time and i mean every time (and yes im new to this just started dabbing 2 days ago) i puke + cough really bad... not sure if the puking is caused by the coughing way to hard n for a while i mean like 5+ mins.... any advice?
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    frist time growing in closet need help!!!! i have no clue what i am doing

    lol thats funny... yeah we got the lights i got it all set up i felt really handy doing it... however i always had a major doubt in my head that something was just going to kill these plants we had no clue what we where doing. this is what the set up ended up looking like: then they stared...
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    frist time growing in closet need help!!!! i have no clue what i am doing

    TO HELP MY LADIES GROW TALLER- question: my hubby was told that to make our plants grow taller to cut them in the Y (area indicated in picture by arrows labled HERE) where the larger leaf is dropping and cut that leaf off. #1) is this a step that we need to do? #2) when should we start doing...
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    To help my ladies grow taller

    i would love to start over unfortunately these where donated to me. i am disabled and cannot afford to scrap this and start over i have to attempt to salvage my plants within my budget
  12. S

    To help my ladies grow taller

    you said: bend them all over 45 degrees 2 nodes up from the coco could you please clarify? im not sure what you mean by any of that! sorry
  13. S

    clones? how do i get close of these ladies?

    I am very intimidated by hydro, just because my funds are extremely limited. (on disability income). you said: Prob get a dome tray+insert and plugs for under 20 at most stores could you explain this further... what kind of store? like a plant store? what are plugs? when you saw tray to which...
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    clones? how do i get close of these ladies?

    how do i get clones of my ladies? i have no clue how to and would like to clone these girls. how often can i do it? how big do they need to be? they are 1.5ft & 1.25 ft and about 3/4 weeks old not too sure wasnt given too much info on them when they where donated to me. how soon can i clone...
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    spider mites?!?!? please help

    did i do my plant any damage by praying it with the malathion insect spray?
  16. S

    Discoloring concern

    QUESTIONS: 1) should i be concerned about this discoloring (indicated by arrows) on these two ladies? 2) if so what should i do? 3) should i trim/prune? 4) if so best way to with minimal harm? 5) does this discoloring mean they are dying? 6) how do i stop this? 7) is it possible they are...
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    To help my ladies grow taller

    question: (this is our first grow ever... we know absolutely nothing so please excuse how dumb we may sound we are literally in kindergarten here)... my hubby was told that to make our plants grow taller to cut them in the Y (area indicated in picture) where the larger leaf is dropping and cut...
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    spider mites?!?!? please help

    that is just awful. no wonder my shop donated them to us! so can these little bugger completely ruin the plant? or will they still bud?
  19. S

    frist time growing in closet need help!!!! i have no clue what i am doing

    thanks for the advice. i have some other questions as well. not sure if your up for it or not... but if so would you like me to post in there or pm you? ill be posting a separate post about these other question i have also.
  20. S

    spider mites?!?!? please help

    i know you cant really see anything on this picture. the reason i posted about the spider mites my hubby was concerned that that is what was on them. i know while i was taking this picture i did see on the top of the leaf a very tiny bug moving across it. not to sure what it was tried to get a...