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  1. S

    Quick Drying - The Other Side Of The Coin

    i currently hang dry in a closet w 1 circ fan, it takes 3-7 days depending on strain/amount of plants in there. (temp ranges 74-85) I have tried the following methods,.. and yes im a very impatient person who only wanted to take something right off a plant and put it in a bowl.... but dont we...
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    Al B. FAQt

    EDIT: i was a bit out of it when i wrote this originally, and it made little sense, it has now been Revised with added sobriety okay maybe i could have been more clear about the tank, It was used for paintballing originally, 5000 psi tank with a nozzle + gauge showing psi. Are you saying it...
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    Al B. FAQt

    Just found this, "* Sulphur burner. These devices vaporize (not burn) elemental sulphur, coat the room with a fine film of sulphur, inhibiting PM spores from germinating. Also inhibits insects to some degree. Run for 12...
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    Al B. FAQt

    Thanks for your reply The plants mentioned have had a good 2 weeks (sitting being manually watered seperately in trays) to recover from the brutal root attack of 08, And beleive me i felt like a murderer with the knife, The roots are more than 1" thick off the bottom slab, (from the bottom the...
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    Al B. FAQt

    Hey al, Long time reader, First time writer. First id like to say thanks of course, because your advice has been nothing short of incredible/life saving, Lets just say a freind of mine had the impression that his sulfur vaporizer (same as yours) had to be on for 4 hours a day, And you saved...