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  1. Cid420

    Super Noob Need help first grow

    Ever use fruit to make co2?
  2. Cid420

    CO2 and carbon filters

    Have you ever used fruit to make co2?
  3. Cid420

    Florida Growers Thread

    Not balls. But triangle looking things under the nuggs. Where the hairs also come out.
  4. Cid420

    Florida Growers Thread

    Not balls. But triangle looking shapes under the nuggs
  5. Cid420

    Florida Growers Thread

    There not balls. It looks female but where the hairs come out under the nuggs have these things that look like a triangle kinda. I am not sure how to describe them.
  6. Cid420

    Florida Growers Thread

    Not sure how to post a pic
  7. Cid420

    Florida Growers Thread

    Can you please help me and let me know If this is a hermie or a female.