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  1. M

    First grow

    outdoor, with no direct sunlight :clap:
  2. M

    First grow

    did you germinate the seeds already?
  3. M

    Hey errrbody, pls take a look at my baby plant. It's not looking to well.

    Hey can anyone let me know how I can fix this please. Thanks guys :weed:
  4. M

    When is my shitty outdoor plant going to finish flowering? hehe

    Hey y'all :hump: About how much longer does it look until this niggas ready?
  5. M

    Early Development Stages- Any advice or help would be appreciated!

    Haha I look at that shit waaay too much. Just watch it for like 5 mins at a time haha. Thanks for your input homie
  6. M

    Early Development Stages- Any advice or help would be appreciated!

    Thanks. I've heard that it has sugars that are nutritious and speeds up growth. Also I've heard it lowers the ph level in the water a little, which is good since the water im using is 7.
  7. M

    Early Development Stages- Any advice or help would be appreciated!

    wow thats awesome good for you man. Its been like 4 days... but the seed was barely germinated when I planted it.
  8. M

    Early Development Stages- Any advice or help would be appreciated!

    Yo so I'm growing this plant in a cardboard box, it has proper ventilation, 7 cfl lights ranging from 14W-23W, being fed mostly molasses water (1tblspn per gallon). This is what it looks like so far. I'm a first time indoor grower, so let me know what you think!! Also let me know if the plant...
  9. M

    Early Development Stages- Any advice or help would be appreciated!

    Yo so I'm growing this plant in a cardboard box, it has proper ventilation, 7 cfl lights ranging from 14W-23W, being fed mostly molasses water (1tblspn per gallon). This is what it looks like so far. I'm a first time indoor grower, so let me know what you think!! Also let me know if the plant...
  10. M

    Cardboard box growing advice pls! Take a look at my set up.

    Ok, that makes sense, ima get on that. Everyone on here is helpful as fuck, I love it.
  11. M

    Cardboard box growing advice pls! Take a look at my set up.

    Yeah I have a hole in the side and a fan always on.its probably just about room temp in there
  12. M

    Cardboard box growing advice pls! Take a look at my set up.

    I really appreciate the heads up, would not want my house burning down. thanks homie
  13. M

    Cardboard box growing advice pls! Take a look at my set up.

    Damn, close call for you... So far I touch the bases and everything, and its not toooo hot. I think its worked out for a lot of people, it should workout. What does anyone else think about this?
  14. M

    Cardboard box growing advice pls! Take a look at my set up.

    I have a fan always blowing for the environment factor. Ill look that dude up. thanks again dudes for the help
  15. M

    Cardboard box growing advice pls! Take a look at my set up.

    word, I have wondered about the fire hazzard, but I figured cfls wouldn't get hot enough. but bettersafe than sorry, Ima look into that. thnx man
  16. M

    Cardboard box growing advice pls! Take a look at my set up.

    yeee man thanks. I'm going to buy an extra 40W bulb if not 2. You think it should turn out fairly dank? Yeah I'll check it right now
  17. M

    Cardboard box growing advice pls! Take a look at my set up.

    Pls take a look at my setup and lemme know if it can work out. Any advice or tips. I'm using 2 19W 5500 spectrum cfls, 1 14w cfl, and 2 23W warm colored cfls. Thanks niggas :leaf: I'm planning on topping and bending a lot so it can fit.