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  1. J

    First Grow -- Signs of Over-watering?

    Just a quick update.. Added a rack into my tent that raised the plants roughly 3.5 ft closer to the light. After one day of being on the rack the larger of the two began to droop a lot, the smaller was looking great. I quickly watered the larger assuming that the change in distance from the...
  2. J

    First Grow -- Signs of Over-watering?

    Here's an update four days later.. Based on the pictures how long do you think I have till I begin to see signs of sex? How is it looking overall?
  3. J

    First Grow -- Signs of Over-watering?

    Here's what its looking like a day later.. The leaves still seem to be drooping but the soil appears pretty dry to me? Should I water today? Is 250ml enough split between 2 plants (one being a few days behind this one) or should I water more?
  4. J

    First Grow -- Signs of Over-watering?

    Thanks for all the advice, leaves are looking about the same today. Gave then a very slight watering yesterday but I suppose I will hold off for a couple of days before giving them a drink again. Thanks for letting me know, will make sure to take future pics in regular lighting if that's more...
  5. J

    First Grow -- Signs of Over-watering?

    This is about 6 days from sprout. Germinated in paper towel, then moved into cocoa pot with straight ffof. Housed in a 3'3" x 3'3" x 6'7"growlab tent, unlabled LED...looks like a stealth... rated at 2a@220v. Have a small fan constantly blowing on the seedlings. Temp stays at a consistant 80f...